9:The Hokage's office

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Third point of view

Kakashi watched as his daughter fell to the ground, he could clearly see the pain she was going through.

'She was a rogue shinobi, she was a rogue shinobi, she was a rogue shinobi,' he tried to tell himself, he somehow had to convince himself not intervene as his daughter was being killed.

'she was a rogue shinobi...that was wrongfully accused.' He couldn't take it, his daughter could not die, not like this, she didn't deserve this.

"STOP," he said, "Just stop, let her speak to the Hokage, please." He looked at them with begging eyes, it was their job to kill her they didn't have to listen to him, they seriously considered killing her but out of the kindness of their hearts, they complied.

They stopped their Jutsu and y/n laid, limp on the floor. "If she tries another escape then we'll kill her with no hesitation, you got that?" They said Kakashi nodded," Okay, just-just let me do it if she tries to escape-I-I need to do it," He said. Kakashi would never dream to lay his hands on y/n. It was a lie. His love for his daughter was beyond perception. He would go rogue with her. He'd leave his home to be by her side so she wouldn't be lonely.

 They hesitated but nodded. "She's just stunned at the moment, if you want to take her to the Hokage we should make it quick before she wakes up." One of the Anbu states, they agree and took y/n to the Hokage's office.

Your point of view

"Mph, argh," you look up and see your surroundings, "what the hell-?" you see that you are tightly bound to a chair by chakra strings. You see a whole Anbu squad, your father and a lady that was sitting on the Hokage's chair. The two of you made eye contact for a while.

She must have caught on to your confusion because she then said, "Hello y/n, I'm Tsunade, the fifth Hokage." You look at her with disbelief, "Eh? What happened to Saratobi," you asked. 

"He...died," she said with obvious pain in her voice. Your breath staggered, as much as he was a pain in the ass, you loved the guy, he truly believed in you and his dying devotion to the village made you believe that his death was not in vain but to save the village, and that's what comforted your thoughts, that he died for the people standing in this room right now. "Huh, well, Rest In Peace old man," you said.

Tsunade sighed "Well, we are here to discuss your future in the village, your father says there's more to the story than what we know, so," she says, "Y/n, tell us, what happened the night you escaped?" She asked, you took it by surprise that they actually wanted to listen to your story instead of just killing you 'fuck, don't screw this up, y/n.'

You look back at what all happened, there was just so much to tell, you didn't even know where to start. Well, the beginning would make sense. 

So you started, you began to tell her how you ended up in this mess and how you got out of it and she listened, she sat there, analyzing your words, studying our body language and tone for any inconsistencies.

"We were outnumbered, there were too many members just for the 9 of us. I remember that they finally managed to take us all down, we were too weak to fight back and Orochimaru was just about to kill Jariaya. I didn't know what it was back then but there was a sudden surge of power, a different kind of energy, it was way stronger, nothing that I've ever felt, anyway I couldn't control it but it seemed to have a mind of Its own. They said they were hungry and they needed to feed off of everyone and so they did, not all of them survived." You said struggling to say the last part, lady Tsunade nodded signaling you to keep going.

 "The energy faded once it took what it wanted and it was only Itachi and I remaining. He explained why they were there-he wanted me to join them, he said I was a jinjuriki and what I felt was them, he also offered me strength like no other; that he could grant me power if only I would join the Akatsuki-of course, I declined but no was not an answer for him, he only asked out of causality but I would be going either way. I fought him until I couldn't, it was then that I realized the consequence of immediate power, a power that was not earned. Using the tailed beasts takes a toll on my body, pain is what the strength costs, intensity varies on the amount of chakra used but either way, it's not a slight irritation, no, not at all, this is pain no one deserves to feel. But, I digress, I don't know what happened after I passed out but the next day I woke up in the Akatsuki hideout. They said they wanted to help me reach my full potential by training me." You said, "Well, their training consisted of brutal methods that no one should endure, and if you couldn't get it on the first try-Well, they wouldn't be too happy. And I could never learn to control them, Kanashimi and Genso, they always went their own path and obviously the Akatsuki weren't too pleased with me. Needless to say, I was miserable there and I don't know exactly what you think of me but I can assure you that I did not enjoy it there, I'm not the monster the leaf depicts me to be. Anyway, I escaped one night, I was about 4 years in and I took advantage of the trust they had for me." You stopped and sighed

"Why didn't you come back," lady Tsunade asked. "I knew they would be after me, I couldn't put the hidden leaf village in danger, besides I couldn't risk losing control of the tailed beasts again, not after what happened. So I went off by myself, exploring new parts of the world, looking for a place to start over, I found plenty of places but none of them lasted for very long. It was when I encountered the ninja squad, that I was beginning to give up; so I guess you guys are right on time, I'm ready to accept death." You sighed.

The room was quiet, everyone in it had a face of shock. They were surprised that such a young girl could go through all that and survive. Tsunade cleared her throat, "Your story had no holes. It matches up with the little parts that we had." She took a look at Kakashi then  said, "I don't believe that you're the person you've got the reputation for and for that... you're welcome to return to the village, with some conditions of course," she states. 

You look at her with utter disbelief, you've dreamed of this day since you left the village, of course you always thought it was a silly dream not something that would become a reality. "I—uh. . .ahem thank you.

She nods, "release her from her chair, immediately!"


The Shinobi Behind The Mask(Naruto x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora