36: What the fuck NaRUto?!

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I'm great at making titles :)

Your POV


You jumped awake, gasping. Goosebumps covered your body as your chest rose and fell at rapid paces.

It was the same dream, the one where you were trapped as Naruto mindlessly made out with another girl. It was the third night in a row, something had to be up.

You sat in bed, staring into nothing. Since the thought of trying to fall back asleep had been rejected by your mind, you thought that it would be best to take an early watch and allow Naruto some extra sleep.

You swiftly put your shoes on and opened the door. You peered out to see a vacant hallway.


There was no one there.

Immediately you put your guard up, looking for any threatening chakra. You searched for a while, but there was none, as a matter of fact, you couldn't even sense Mai's chakra.

What the hell?

You looked for evidence of them being taken, you didn't see any signs. Scanning the hallway you questioned where they could be.

Your mind viciously threw all the horrible possibilities there could be at you.

Were they attacked?

That would be an obvious conclusion but you knew it was not probable. If there was an attack you would have woken up. The first thing Naruto would have done in an attacker's presence is yell for you.

Did they leave willingly?

There was no way Naruto would choose to leave you. He was not the idiot you always claimed he was. He was actually very smart.

With no definite answer on where they could have gone, you couldn't decide where to start by yourself. There had to be some kind of trail that they left behind and you were going to find it with the help of a friend.

"Summoning Jutsu!" You bite your thumb and place the blood on the floor.


An animal appeared

"Argh, y/n, do you know what time it is?" A lazy looking pug spoke.

"I'm sorry, Pakkun, but I can't find Naruto and the princess. Can you sniff them out?" You asked, a hint of worry in your voice.

The dog nodded sensing your frazzled state, "We'll find them."

Pakkun began to sniff the air, searching for a lead. Almost immediately he found something, "They are not far." Pakkun ran outside, following the trail with you right behind him.

"Whatever happened, they didn't make a discreet exit, their trail is strong. They have been gone for a while, maybe 4 hours.


Four hours of what? I hope they're okay. If they're not then...I won't be able to forgive myself.

As you went deeper into the village you questioned what could have happened. Naruto would never just leave like that...

You approached a ramen shop with a huge window, allowing you to see the people that were in there. You only took a quick glance at it when you found something surprising.

Inside you saw Mai and Naruto, laughing. They were cheerfully eating ramen together. You furrowed your eyebrows.

They went there willingly.

The Shinobi Behind The Mask(Naruto x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang