28:A new mission

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3 weeks later

You were walking by yourself in the village until you heard your favorite boy called after you.

"Hey, y/n I got us some Dango!" Naruto yelled while holding some delicious treats in his hand. 

Your eyes brighten at the sight of this. It was your boyfriend and he was holding something great in his hands which just made it even better. He handed one to you and noticed you were smiling even beneath that mask. His heart fluttered, he loved seeing you happy, it made him happy.  

You took a bite of the Dango; your eyes closed as you savored its sweet taste.

"Mmm, thanks Naruto!" You savored every bit of the Dango.

He chuckled a bit; he thought you had a really cute face when you were eating the Dango.


The two of you walked to nowhere in particular around the village. You were just chatting about anything that came to mind until Naruto brought up a topic that made you remember something.

"So I think I'm going to ask Kakashi sensei for some more missions," he said.

"Oh wait, I was supposed to tell you something about that," your voice raised a bit since Naruto had just jogged your memory.

He looked at you with a curious face. "Huh, about what?" He asked, waiting eagerly for an answer.

"We're supposed to go on a mission tomorrow," you clarified.

Naruto's eyes widened, "What!! And you're only telling me this now? I have to go pack!" He rushed past you in the direction of his home.
Naruto only got 2 steps in before you yelled after him. "Don't you want to know what's it about first?!" 

Naruto stopped immediately, "oh yeah."

You mentally facepalmed, "tsk tsk, you really are an idiot,'' you said.

"Yeah yeah, just tell me what it's about, y/n,'' he said, a bit annoyed and embarrassed.

"Fine but let's start walking towards your place."

"But don't you have to pack too?" Naruto asked.

You shook your head, "No I packed last night when I was told about the mission," you informed him.

"Oh, so you can help me pack!" Naruto said excitedly.

A mischievous grin came across your face, "I suppose I can...or I can just watch you struggle," you said cutely.

Naruto chuckled, "you wouldn't do that to me." He patted your head gently.

 You rolled your eyes, "I just might," you huffed. "Anyway, on this mission were escorting a princess back to her village—"

"Wow really! That's so cool!" Naruto said excitedly, interrupting you.

"That's not all, this is considered a higher rank mission since there is an S class rogue ninja after her," you said.

"Who?" He questioned.

"I don't know, she wouldn't say, which brings me to the next subject of discussion—" you tried to tell him the next part but once again was interrupted.

"Don't worry, y/n whoever it is, we'll kick their ass!" Naruto fist-pumped the air. 

 You gave a frustrated sigh, Naruto didn't seem to be listening to you completely, he was too excited about getting another mission. You decided to tell him the next part later on since he seemed so eager to pack.

The Shinobi Behind The Mask(Naruto x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora