42: Kakashi is a great dad

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Outside of the village gates

"Y/n! Eh?" Naruto looked around and his surroundings changed. He felt the chakra that the silver-haired female had given him in his body. "Dammit! Not again, not another time where I'm not able to save you."

Naruto felt a fast source of chakra getting closer to him at a rapid speed. He looked up and saw the leaves Hokage approaching him. "Kakashi sensei!"

Kakashi's eyes widened as he saw his student. Then he felt the pit of dread grow stronger when he didn't see y/n by his side. "Where is y/n?"

"She's in the hotel, we need to get there as quick as we can! She is in trouble-----!"

"You left her, again?" A dark aura surrounded Kakashi.


Kakashi ignored his student and searched the village for y/n's chakra. His heart dropped when he sensed a familiar one that felt like it was drained almost completely dry. He wasted no time and zoomed towards the building. Naruto followed behind.

Kakashi did not apologize to the villagers that had been startled at his immense amount of speed. He entered the hotel and ignored the receptionist that asked for his name. He rushed towards the faint chakra and burst into the room it was in.

Kakashi's breath hitched and anger surged in him at the sight before him. He saw his half-naked daughter with gritted teeth as a hot rod was placed on her skin and a man hovering above her laughing.

He saw y/n look up at his with a glimmer of hope in her eye. Kakashi huffed and grabbed Haika and pinned him to the floor.

"Who are you?" Kakashi spoke with a frightening tone.

The man winced, "Gah! Hey, stop it, that hurts!"

Kakashi tightened his grip, "Oh is that right? I don't think that this is enough because my daughter is covered in blood."

Haika looked into Kakashi's eyes which were filled with bloodlust. "Calm down, man! Look, it's Yui that you want to kill. She is the one that drugged her and was planning on handing her over to the Akatsuki!"

Kakashi was angry, it was apparent. His face was enough to scare even the strongest of shinobi. "I'll give you a very painful death."

"W-what! G-Gah! AH! STOP THAT!!"

Haika fell limp on the floor and Kakashi rushed right to your side. "Y/n..."

He looked at your completely battered body. He felt so much guilt inside of him, his eyes began to tear up.

Naruto had finally caught up and entered the room and sighed in relief as he saw Haika dead on the floor.

"hi guys..." you said weakly.

Kakashi let you out of your binds and took off the collar that was put on you. He then took off his backpack and brought out some materials to clean your wounds. "This is going to hurt," he said as he wiped the blood off your body. You wince but allow him to continue cleaning your wound.

When he was done, Naruto took off his jacket and wrapped it around you but he stopped when you winced as he put it around your hurt arm. Kakashi inspected it gently, "It's broken."

"That bastard," Naruto said with angered eyes. Naruto then very gently put your arm through the jacket and zipped it up. Kakashi raided the room's cabinets, grabbed a water bottle and a snack. He handed the water to you, you took it with a very shaky hand and took a tiny sip. Then he gave you the snack but you shook your head, "I'm not hungry."

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