37: Naruto, you damn bastard

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~As you can tell, titles are my forte.~

Kanashimi had just offered to kill Naruto. It seemed tempting but of course you declined.

Why the hell not?

I...I still love him.

You can't be serious.

It's dumb I know. I just can't stop.

Ugh....just like your mother.


I-I mean...nevermind! Fucking idiot.

That was weird, you never speak about her anymore. Why did you suddenly bring her up, Kanashimi?

I said nevermind!

Just like my mom, what do you mean?

Just go back to crying or something.

Heh...you actually care about y/n, don't you, Kanashimi?

You've gone crazy

No, I haven't. You're a big softie and you know it.

Shut up, or I'll hurt you

You wouldn't. Everything you've done is to protect y/n, hasn't it? It took me a while to figure it out but now I know. You want to protect her, you just don't know-how.


Genso's words were shocking. All Kanashimi has done is hurt you. She fills your head with doubt, she's evil.

I'm warning you, keep your mouth shut!

No, I finally figured it out. I now know why your personality changed when we transferred to y/n. Ever since she's been our new vessel, you have been rude and negative.

I've always been like this.

That's a lie, you used to be a great mentor for y/n's mom. You loved her dearly and you love y/n too.

As if I'd love that mess!

What are you going on about, Genso?

The world is broken and corrupt, so the only way to survive is to toughen up and feel nothing, isn't that right Kanashimi?


y/n's mom was sweet and kind but the world treated her like garbage, you feared they would do the same with y/n. So you made it your job for her to learn quickly that everyone is out to get her. You didn't want her to fall under the same tricks her mom did. That's why you were rude, that's why you wanted her to kill everyone that was close to her so they could never betray her.


I-is that true?

There was no way that was Kanashimi's intention. All your life you were convinced that she was a despicable character. You thought she hated your guts.


Be honest.


The world hated your mom, y/n. They beat her almost to death yet she would have still given her life to save them. She was a complete idiot, just like you. It took her so long to learn how exactly the world worked. I begged her to leave the village but she never listened. That was when she found Kakashi, that fool was one of the only people that never hurt her. When she died I-- l lost it. After years of getting to know the people you were transferred to, you could only take so much death. I tried to toughen you up, I wanted you to never feel anything. When I saw you forgive everyone in the village for how they treated you, you reminded me of your mom. I knew that would be a road to your doom so I had to do something before others hurt you again. I decided that it would be best if you'd die at the state you were in, instead of suffering a lonely death. Clearly, it didn't work out. When you finally broke down just now, I realized that feeling things is what makes you alive. It makes people who they are.

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