30: Kanashimi's rising temper

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Just a random picture, nothing to do with the story; a lot of them don't.


 "Do you prefer miso ramen or pork?" Naruto asked Mai.

"Well, I've never tried ramen before," she admitted.

Naruto's eyes widened and he raised his voice, "What?!"

You chuckled, Naruto's immediate response of bewilderment seemed pretty cute to you.

"Is that bad?" She asked in a worried tone.

"Yes! You haven't tried the world's best meal!" He exclaimed.

"Oh..." she began to fiddle with her fingers.

You glanced over at the girl and she looked a bit embarrassed, you shook your head in a disappointed manner towards Naruto.

"Don't worry about it Mai, if you'd like we could make a quick stop in one of the villages and get ramen for dinner?" You told her trying to make her feel better.

The girl's eyes brightened, "Oh really?! That would be great, y/n!" She squeezed you in a hug, one that was too tight. You let her squeeze the air out of your lungs for a second more until you spoke out, "Mai—can't—breathe," you managed to get out.

After you said that, there was another second of this bear hug then she let go and apologized, "oh sorry," she said then giggled. Once again, as her smile appeared a horrible feeling came to your body. Alarms had gone off in your mind, telling you to run, run until your legs can't go further until you collapsed. Those three seconds felt like three years her smile scared you, it reminded you of a certain someone's. Someone that instilled fear in you as a young child, someone you hated.

You gulped and pushed it all down again. She was a princess, right? What harm can she do?

You gave an awkward chuckle and kept your head down for the rest of their conversation.

That girl...

Yeah, same here...what do you think y/n?



Oi, don't ignore us!


HEY! Ugh, I'm tired of this.

A sharp pain was sent to your arm. "Argh!" You roll up your sleeve to see that blood has been drawn in that area.

Hey! What the hell?!

Well if you didn't want that to happen then don't ignore us.

Naruto heard your yelp and looked over at you, his eyes widened, "Y/n? Woah, what happened!?" Naruto asked and rushed to your side.

"Er..." you struggled to come up with an excuse for your sudden injury. You didn't want to inform Naruto of Kanashimi and Genso so you forced your mind to come up with something.

"I wasn't watching where I was going on my way to catch up to you guys and hit my arm on a branch, I ignored it since I was late, it isn't until now that I checked," you said.

Naruto looked at you worriedly then sighed, "You have to deal with these things when they happen, y/n, it's not good to ignore your pain," he said as he stopped to get something to wrap your wrist in.

"Sorry, Naruto," you mumbled.

Mai peered over at your cut, her face turned into one of boredom as she waited for you to be bandaged up. You looked at her and she gave you a slight look of pity before she turned away. You stared at her back with a slight look of confusion. That was weird.

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