32: An old friend's warning

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You walked away from Naruto, a tint of sadness on your face. You went towards the boy, hiding your distressed composure.

There were multiple thoughts flooding your mind, ones of sorrow, stress but most of them concerning worry. Worry about your future and the ones that would be affected by it. Though you knew that you couldn't be too absorbed in these thoughts or it would affect the mission, or what you currently had to do.

You stepped closer to the kid hiding in the bushes, "Oi, you can come out now."

A head stuck out of a shrub, one of a small child. He made eye contact with you and proceeded to get out of his hiding place.

You looked at the boy sternly, you had to get information, "Okay, kid, I'll ask one more time, why did you attack us?"

He scrunched up his brows, ". . . I don't know."

"What do you mean?" You questioned, there was no way he didn't remember.

"I-er. . . ."


You sighed, he wasn't going to speak, no matter how many times you asked. There was no way you would place your hands on him and hurt him so the best course of action was to let it go.

"What's your name?" You asked him.

"Koshiro," he told you, "What's yours?"


The boy seemed to be surprised by this, "Hatake?"

You hesitantly nodded

"You're the one papa always speaks about," he said.

This interested you, "Who's your father?"

Koshiro shook his head, dismissing this question, "Y/n Hatake hmmm," he looked at you up and down, analyzing you, "you're not as scary as I thought you'd be, actually you just look like a fragile pretty girl," he said, you grew an irk mark.



Huh...he has a point.


Well, when you look at y/n objectively, you wouldn't suspect the amount of strength she has. It's used to our advantage.

"Tch, whatever, punk. How old are you?" You asked, changing the subject.


You furrowed your eyebrows, why would a boy his age be out in the forest all alone?

"Hmm, why are you out here all alone?" You asked, slightly interrogating Koshiro.

Koshiro tilted his head then he shrugged.

"You don't know?"

He nodded, you sighed; he was doing terribly at this interrogation.

"Where is your father now?" you questioned.

"You're asking too many questions, lady!" He huffed.

"Tsk, fine," you said, giving up; the boy was being difficult. "Where do you live? Let me-"

You lifted your head, you sensed something. It was coming quickly, you turned around you saw a kunai with a...paper bomb! You grab Koshiro and ran to a safer place.

"H-huh?" He said, not noticing the kunai flying towards you, it was far to fast for the average human eye to spot.

Your katana was quickly extracted from its regular spot and relocated in your hand, with a tight grip. Your eyes narrowed; something was coming, the question was what?

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