39: (Insert title here)

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Slowly, I'm losing the ability to make titles...


"Hey Y/n, you look sad today, did something happen last night?" Mai looked at you with mocking eyes.

Huh? Why did she mention last night? Does she--? --no she couldn't. Naruto is a skilled shinobi and he has no idea that I saw him. She's just a princess...

"No, I'm fine."

Mai slightly pouted at the lack of emotion you showed her.

"Well if you say so. How about you Naru? How is my handsome prince?" She latched herself onto his arm and giggled.

Naruto looked at you before he gently pulled his arm out of Mai's grasp. "Not now Mai," he said dully.

Mai looked hurt when he did that. "What? W-why are y-you s-so m-mean all of a-a sudden?" Tears began to spill and she played her usual victim card. "Leaf ninja a-are nothing b-but fakes."

My father will hear about this blah blah. Ugh someone shut her up! Even Naruto is tired of her crap.

I've never seen Naruto like this. He really must be down.

Who cares about that bastard.

Yeah, I guess...

Both you and Naruto stiffened when she said that. Mai was annoying to deal with but you had to be kind to her or else she'll rat to her dad, a very powerful man.

"Er...sorry Mai," Naruto muttered as he let the girl cling on to him.

This stung your heart.

So all this time...he wanted her by his side, didn't he? He just pretended that he didn't want her to be so close...

You listened as they began to converse back and forth.

What is that she has, that I don't? Beauty? Was that It? Is that why Naruto replaced me?

Hey, don't think like that, dumbass!

She's right y/n, don't put yourself down.

Well, then...why did he do it? Why did he cheat?

Look, Naruto has always been an idiot, okay. We can't answer that. But if you really would like to know, you should confront him after this mission has been completed. You can't think about this right now unless you want to never enter those gates again.


~ time skip ~

"We should be there by the evening," you said trying to break the silence between you and Naruto.

At the moment you were eating lunch at a small shop. Mai had walked out to go to the restroom, leaving you and another jinjuriki on your own.

Since last night, you hadn't spoken a word to him. Anger still remains deep in your soul and you couldn't bring yourself to speak to him until now.

"Hmm..." he said as he dully stirred his ramen.

Your eyes drift and catch a glance of a certain man.

What was his name again? Hai---Haika?

The pervert?

Huh...no way that's a coincidence.

The rogue ninja? He was trying to lure us away last time. But his chakra feels weak.

Keep your eye on him.

Yeah, okay.

The man sitting a few tables away from you had noticed your intense glare. He suddenly smirked and made his way towards you.

"Heya there, sweet cheeks, are you following me? You really regret not coming home with me, huh?" he took the chair across from you.

Naruto analyzed the situation closely.

"Don't flatter yourself and fuck off," You responded harshly.

He chuckled, "Where's the other girl? Mai, was it? I don't really care but how about you ditch your little boyfriend here and check out what you're missing?"

HA boyfriend, not anymore. Cut his dick off y/n.

Seems reasonable.

Though Naruto was frustrated with y/n, he didn't like to hear people speak to her like that.

"Shut your mouth and have some respect, will you?!" He spoke in an aggravated tone.

Haika faced the blonde, "Look kid, just let her speak for herself." He turned back to you, "So what do you say, babe? I think you'll look cute tied up and covered in my cum," he grinned.

That's absolutely disgusting

Repeat after me y/n, I will fucking slice your throat and watch as you choke on your blood then chop you into pieces and feed it to the pigs, bitch.

That's a lot, can you say that agai---------


The man's body had gone straight into the wall in the opposite direction. You look to your right and see Naruto with an angry face and a tight fist. He harshly sat back down, ignoring the stares of the other customers.

You didn't know what to say. Sure it was a nice gesture, but you were still mad at him for cheating on you.

He broke the silence.

"I won't allow anyone to speak to you like that. Guys like him are pathetic and disgusting," Naruto said.

You kept your head down then slowly faced him.

"He was the same man Mai and I had a confrontation with yesterday."

"Really?" Naruto furrowed his brows, "has he been following us?"

"Most likely. But I haven't sensed his chakra while we have been walking. That means if he has been on our trail, he has been taking a different route," you explained to him.

The boy nodded, he seemed to be in deep thought. "If that's true then, we need to capture him----Where did he go?"

You looked to where he was thrown and he had disappeared.

Your eyes widen, "Mai!"

You drop everything and burst into the restroom with Naruto right beside you.

"Mai, don't worry we're here-------?" Naruto stopped his sentence.

You watched as Mai calmly washed her hands and looked up at the two of you cluelessly.

"Eh?" She questioned.

You let out a deep breath of relief. "We thought you were in danger," you informed.

She giggles, "You guys are so silly!"

The smile she gave you sent another round of shivers down your spine. When she smiled her eyes looked lifeless to you. How is it that Naruto doesn't see the same thing?

"We should start to get going again. We're almost at your village, Mai."

"Oh yeah! It's a shame we didn't get to spend much time together Naru," Mai said with a pout.

Tears glistened your eyes and you turned away from the scene. "Let's go."

The Shinobi Behind The Mask(Naruto x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt