Part 5

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Y/n's pov

I got into my comfy pj's with my cereal in bed ready to read some more about this radio demon thingy.

Everything that Amy had said about this Alastor guy was in the book along with some other stuff so I just shut the book and walked to my bookshelf in my room where I found one about hell. 

I had gotten it from my mom my last birthday even though my dad was against his little girl reading about hell, even though I'm not that little..

I grabbed it and started reading about hell, satan, lilith, Charlie and ofc Alastor. Maybe Amy was right, heaven would be better clearly but I've always felt like I never fitted in with the other angels.

I had dropped out of angel school when I was little cuz I didn't feel like I fitted in at all so I just stayed home. Plus why would I worry about getting an education when I was the princess of heaven, that would my mom always say.

I had caught them talking about me a couple of times, taking me to hell with them to see how it was and all that stuff but when I asked they would deny it or tell me when I'm older. 

"Do I have to be 1500 years old or what?!?!" I shouted to no one and laid down on my bed punching my pillow with anger but soon that anger would turn into sadness.

"Why couldn't I just be normal?" I asked myself and ate the last of the cereal and continued reading the book about hell shoving the book about alastor under my bed so no one would notice. 

"a dark red sky huh?" I asked and smiled looking at the black sky who before was blue.

"A pentagram as a sun?" I asked no one and looked back at the book.

"Prostitutes and drugs? what's that?" I asked again continuing to read shrugging it off. 

"So some demons and sinners enjoy dancing, clubbing, drinking and singing?" I asked again as if someone was listening to me, God how stupid.

I slapped myself to get back to reality and shut the book putting it back on the shelf grabbing my phone.

I stayed up on the phone for 1 hour doing whatever I wanted.

I shut off the lights and tried to fall asleep but my mind would always think of hell or mostly Alastor.. How could someone be so cold hearted to kill all of those people? demons or not?

I wonder if it's true..

and with that thought I fell asleep.

God's pov

"It's this way God" said My wife Maria and dragged me over to a big house looking at the address. 

I knocked on the door and a young girl around my daughters age opened up with a big smile. 

"Oh Charlie! How I've missed you!" Said Maria and hugged Charlie.

Maria always thought of Charlie as her niece and Charlie always thought of Maria as her aunt and me as her uncle.

"I'm happy to see you God and Maria" Said Charlie and hugged us both.

"Ah welcome god my dear brother" Said Satan and Lilith soon showed up behind him giving me and Maria a hug.

"Well come on in" Said Lilith and we thanked her.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Said satan as we sat down and Charlie went to get us some wine while Maria helped her.

When they came back Charlie went her own direction letting us adults be alone.

"Well I do have a daughter named Y/n" I started.

"Me and Lilith haven't seen her since she was in diapers! how is she doing? has she grown up?" Asked Satan and smiled showing his sharp teeth.

"Yes she's all good and yup she has grown up quite alot since last time" I responded showing them a picture of my daughter.

"Aww she's so precious" Said Lilith and grabbed the picture looking at it closer.

"Yes she is quite the looker with her H/c hair, e/c eyes and that white dress.. though I have always preferred black" Said satan and grabbed the picture of Y/n giving it back to me. 

"I know you do brother" I answered with a laugh taking a sip of the wine.

"Thank you for having us mr Satan and Mrs Lilith btw" Said Maria and finished her wine in one sip.

"No problem dear" Said Lilith taking a small sip of her wine with her eyes closed.

"So I was thinking. Since Y/n was born she had always been curious of hell  so I was wondering if we could maybe bring her over for some days?" I asked and Satan widened his eyes and Lilith's eyes shot up and her pupils turned tiny and I knew I messed up when Satans smirk came back to his face.

"We would be happy too" Said satan in a sly voice putting down the wine glass.

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