Part 18

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"Jeez what was that all about.." I said and took off my jacket.

"Y/n.." Said Al with his back turned to me.

"Yes?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder concerned.

"Is there a reason she doesn't like me?" He asked and faced me with a sad expression.

".." I didn't say anything cuz I didn't wanna lie to him but it was the only thing I could do so he wouldn't kill me..

"I don't know.." I said and looked at the floor.

"Oh okay.. Want me to walk you to your room?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No Al, Let me walk u to ur room" I said and he smiled.

We started chatting while walking until we reached his room.

"Here we are!" I said and he chuckled.

"Y/n, I know I've only known you for like a week or 2.. but I have feelings for you.." He said and looked at the floor.


"I also have feelings for you Al" I said and sent him a smile.

"I need to go now-" I started but was cut off by his soft lips pressing against mine, I wrapped my arms around him and let it happen. It was absolutely magical and I didn't care that he was a demon those few seconds, all I felt was love and I loved it.

When we pulled back I frowned and he chuckled

"Was that ur first kiss?" He asked and I nodded.

"Well I enjoyed it.." He said and put his forehead against mine.

"I need to get going now" I said with a goofy smile feeling rlly happy.

"Bye for now, my love" He said and kissed my cheek as I blushed and walked away.

 little did I know someone was watching us..

Amy's pov

Oh My fucking god.. They Kissed?!?! 

I ran back to my room and looked in the mirror frowning. "It's too late.. she created one of the biggest sins.." I said to myself and wondered what to do.

So I decided to call her..

"Hey Y/n! can u get to my room real quick? u can stay over if you'd like" I said and heard her squeal with happiness as I smirked. Maybe I could talk her out of this situation..

"I'll be there in 5 minutes" Said Y/n and hung up.

I got some snacks from the kitchen and waited for Y/n to arrive.

I heard a knock on the door and there stood Y/n with her blankets and stuff. "I brought candy and soda" She said and put down her stuff.

"You seem awfully happy Y/n, something happened?" I asked and looked her in the eyes.

"You need to promise me too not tell anyone-" She started but I cut her off

"The kiss with The radio dude?" I asked with a smirk and her eyes widened

"I'm dead" She said and put her hand on her pillow screaming into it.

I patted her on the back and asked, "So how long r u planning on leading him on until ur parents find out ur dating the radio demon?" 

"I don't know!" She shouted in her pillow and I saw her eyes become watery so I did what I do best, I comforted her.

"Hey it's gonna be okay.." I said and hugged her.

She hugged back and said "My dad is gonna kill me.." 

"He won't kill u, he's god and god forgives anyone, especially his daughter.." I said and she chuckled.

"I feel so bad though.. Leading him on like this, All I've been doing is telling him lies The only thing I've said that wasn't a lie was that I have feelings for him.." She said and grabbed some chocolate.

"Let's not think about that, and let's watch this movie! Who knew that hell had Netflix" I said and we picked out the movie

"White chicks?" I asked and Y/n laughed, "Mhm" she said and we watched the movie.

Time skip

"I absolutely loved that movie!" Said Y/n and laid down on the bed, me still sitting on the floor

(If you have Netflix and you haven't watched White Chicks then I highly recommend it)

"Yeah it was pretty funny" I said and giggled. "What song are u gonna sing tomorrow btw?" I asked and she thought about it.

"Maybe that song Wonderful life?" She said and I nodded. "The one from that movie Small foot?" I asked and she sent me a smile and nodded.

"I don't think many sinners and demons here in hell know that song tho" I said and she giggled and we ate some snacks.

"U wanna go to bed now?"  I asked and she nodded and walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Time skip

"It sure has been some days here in hell huh?" I asked Y/n and she giggled thinking about Alastor making me roll my eyes.

"He's special.." She said and smiled looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I said and chuckled.

"I wonder what he's gonna do when he finds out I'm an angel.. Sooner or later he's gonna find out.." She said with a sad tone.

"If he rlly has feelings for u and loves you, he'll forgive you" I said making her smile.

"But.. then I'll have to go back to heaven and never see him again.." She continued and I didn't know how to answer that since it was true so I changed the topic.

"U wanna go to bed now?" I asked and she nodded.


"Goodnight Y/n.."

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