Part 24

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Hello! I hope ur enjoying the story so far <3


It had been 2 months now and I swear I felt like the life out of me was fading away slowly with time. I felt weaker by every day that goes by. I can't sleep, eat or do anything rlly, I'm just in my room crying mostly, reading Alastors letter or just sitting on my bed thinking.

I hadn't come out of the room in a long time and my family was getting worried, even my dad.

There was a knock on the door and without waiting for my answer it opened and there stood my dad in the door frame with a tray full of pancakes, fruit, bacon and all that breakfast stuff.

"I'm sorry Y/n.. For everything, Here's some food. Try to eat" He said and put it on the table in my room beside the letter that Alastor had given me.

His eyes softened as he picked up the letter and read it. "..So he was the one?" He asked and I nodded slowly not using my voice at all.

He left the room and I looked at the food and called in a maid after 5 minutes of staring at it. 

"Kiki?" I called the maid named Kiki and she soon opened the door and looked at me.

"Need anything princess?" She asked 

"Yes can u take this away? I'm not hungry. And please just call me Y/n" I said and she looked at the tray full of food that I haven't touched at all.

"But Y/n.." She said and looked at me 

"Please" I said and looked out the window as she nodded and picked up the tray walking out of my room. 

I picked up the letter and read it again and started tearing up, Who knew I could cry this much over someone..

I rlly did love him..

Charlie's pov

"I'm leaving" Said alastor and walked outside of the hotel.

I looked at Vaggie and she sent me a sad look.

"Why is he going to the bar everynight? Like he's always there" Said Angel and I sighed.

"He's clearly trying to drink away his sorrows over Y/n.." I said and heard a 'ohh' from angel. "well he's gotta stop. If Y/n was still here she wouldn't let him have anymore alcohol for the rest of 20 years.." Said Vaggie and looked out the window.

"He's been going there for the last month everyday! shouldn't we do anything about that?" Asked Angel and stood up.

"I don't know.. I don't know what we can do.." I said and looked at the floor. "Plus he keeps bringing that stupid rusty halo everywhere" Said Angel again with a sad chuckle.

"Fuck the halo, We gotta help him somehow" Said Vaggie and stepped out the hotel doors with me and angel following her.

"Where we going?" Asked Amy as she appeared out of the blue.

"We're following Alastor to the bar to see what he's doing every night, duh" Said angel as we jumped into my car.

"Follow that car" I said to the driver and pointed at Alastors Uber

The driver then followed the uber and after some time we reached the bar and watched as Alastor walked into the bar.

We followed closely and saw him sitting down at the bar and the barista gave him a weird look.

"Back again Radio?" He asked and Alastor nodded sadly and ordered his drink as the barista sighed.

"I know it isn't my place to say anything but-" Started the barista but was cut off from Alastor

"It isn't." He said and looked at the table waiting for the Alcohol

The barista sighed again and gave him his drink, we watched like creeps while Alastor drank it all in a few seconds.

"He sure knows how to drink" Said Angel and looked at him from where we were hiding. "I have never seen anyone drink that much.." Said Vaggie and saw him gulping down 5 more drinks in 2 minutes.

"He does this every night huh.." Said Amy and looked at him with sad eyes as he put Y/n's old, rusty, golden halo beside him on the table.

"What even is that?" Asked the Barista and Alastor looked up at him.

"What I have left of my only loved one.." He said and touched the halo

"Did she leave ya?" He asked again and Alastor let a tear slide down his face not caring if anyone saw The all powerful radio demon cry in public over someone else.

".. You could say that.." He said and ordered 4 more drinks as the barista looked at him with sad eyes.

"So that's why you've been coming here the last months?" Asked the barista handing him the drinks and cleaning a wine glass afterwards.

"..Yup.." Replied Alastor and I looked at him with sad eyes.

Time skip

After an hour or so he left the bar and started walking back to the hotel, drunk.

"He's so drunk" Said Angel as we walked outside behind Alastor who was having a hard time walking.

"We should help him" Said Amy and ran up to him and put his arm around her shoulder and placed her arm around his waist helping him walk.

"Thanks Annie.." Said Alastor as I helped him aswell.

We made it to the hotel and I said to the others that I was gonna drop him off at his room.

"Goodnight Alastor" I said and placed Y/n's old halo at his bedside cabin. "Night Charles.." Said Alastor and fell asleep as I turned off the lights with one final glance at Alastor in his bed sleeping.

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