Part 20

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Alastors pov

"Y/n.. the princess of heaven" Said the woman making my eyes widen.

"If you see her or anything, please tell her to go to Lucifers house. I'm sure you know the address" She finished.

"Mind if I hold onto the picture?" I asked. I had to know if this Y/n was the same Y/n I've fallen for.

The lady nodded and the couple walked out of the bar.

I sat down at the bar and ordered my favorite drink. I looked at the picture, they did look extremely alike. I've always wanted to kill an angel and now I maybe have the chance but.. I can't hurt Y/n.. She made me feel some type of way that I never had felt before, Loved.

If it is her can we even be together? will she have to go back? has she been lying to me all this time?

"Here's ur drink" Said the barista and passed me the drink.


'Should I ask her?' I asked myself looking at the ground on the way back to the hotel, Y/n is probably still waiting for me and the food should be done in 15 minutes.

"What's that?" I asked and looked at the ground seeing 2 golden halo's similar to the one that the angel was wearing in the picture.

I picked them up and felt a strong energy from it, positive energy that means that there's 2 angels here. Ofc it was the couple at the bar, Y/n's parents looking for her. I put the halos away safely in a dark hole that I summoned, I usually use the dark holes for important stuff I find.

I made my way up the hotel and opened the door.

"Welcome back Alastor" Said Charlie and pointed at the kitchen "Y/n's waiting for u, she made some muffins for us and saved one for u" She said and took a bite out of the chocolate muffin I assumed Y/n had made.

I walked into the kitchen and hid the picture in my pocket. "Oh hey Alastor!" Said Y/n and hugged me which I returned.

"I made this for u" She said and handed me a delicious looking muffin similar to the one Charlie was eating.

I took a bite and I'm usually not into sweet stuff but this sweet was absolutely delicious! The best I've ever had!

"It's amazing my dear! God I haven't had a sweet like this ever" I said and started eating it all.

"I'm happy u liked it!" She said and giggled with her eyes closed and a big smile on her lips. "Are you still sick-?" I started but was cut off of her sneezing.

"I'll take that as a no" I said and laughed handing her some paper waiting for her to blow her nose.

"Are you sure you can sing tonight?" I asked and she shrugged.

I sighed and told her to jump on my back so I could give her a ride to her room.

"Where we going?" She asked as I stepped into the elevator with her on my back. "Y/n, you're sick so you're going to your room to rest" I said and she said a hmph sound making me chuckle.

"What about the food?" She asked as we walked out of the elevator.

"I'll bring a plate of food to your room when it's ready" I said as we reached her room. "Aww that's so nice and cute little Radio cutie" She said and squeezed my cheeks making me blush a light pink.

I put her on the bed as she went under the covers turning on the tv.

"Hey, no technology and no tv. You need to rest" I said and grabbed the remote shutting off the tv earning a death glare from the sick one.

"Fine Dad!" She said and turned her back to me on the bed making me chuckle and I heard a small giggle coming from her.

"What about tonight?" She asked and turned around to face me as I sat on her bed.

"I'll make Charlie cancel it today, you're not feeling well and probably sound terrible!" I said and played with her hair.

"That's not true! watch, aaaaa-ah!" She 'sang' with a voice crack. "If you say so" I said and stood up laughing.

"The food is probably done by now" I said and left her room.

Y/n's pov

Damn he's so nice.. all those terrible books about him where all wrong! If I didn't know he was a murderer I would also have thought he was an angel..

'Should I tell him? by now my mom and dad is probably looking for me' I thought and started tearing up, I rlly loved this place even if I've only been here for some months.. time rlly does fly by.. It felt better here then heaven, I felt accepted and theres no pressure on me here.. I felt alive.

Like I had always belonged in hell..

"Will he leave me when he finds out?" I questioned myself and heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted and in came Alastor and Amy with food and water.

I sat up and Amy gave me a hug.

"I should never had let u play in the snow for so long" She said and giggled pulling away and filling a cup with water as Alastor handed me a plate of food that smelled rlly good. 

"Should we leave u be Y/n?" Asked Alastor and I nodded knowing they had stuff to do, plus I could maybe watch some tv..

"Okay get better soon" Said Amy and headed out of the door but Alastor stayed behind.

"What is it?" I asked knowing he needed something.

"Does anyone know about us?" He asked and I ate a piece of meat.

"Well.. only Amy cuz she kinda saw what happened, ya know" I said and drank some water.

"That's fine, would you like to keep it a secret?" He asked and I shrugged.

"If u want too, I'm fine with both" I said and he smiled.

"Okay, well, Enjoy the food Angel" He said and left the room.


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