Part 25

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Y/n's pov

I was looking out the window doodling something I didn't even know what was until I heard my name being called.

"Y/N!!!" It was my dads voice and I stood up and walked out of my room and down the stairs. "What?" I asked and saw my dad, mom and Jesus 

Dad and Jesus was looking rather proud while my mom looked pretty nervous, is everything okay?

"What is it?" I asked and Dad stepped forward

"I have this friend of mine who has a son your age. We where thinking that he should be the future ruler of heaven with you" He said and I froze

"Like a h-h-husband..?" I asked nervously with wide eyes.

Oh no..

"Yes exactly! He lives of the west side of heaven and will be here tomorrow, His name is Chad, A rather handsome young male" Said dad proudly

"No way!" I Shouted and stepped back.

"Now now don't worry, The wedding will be next month so you have some time" Said dad again and I looked at mom who was looking at me with sorrow.

"NO! I'm not getting married with this Chad guy!" I shouted 

"Y/n Calm down" Said Jesus "I think he's perfect for you"

"I don't even fucking know him for fucks sake!" I screamed and sat on the floor.

"Young lady! we do not use that evil language!!" Shouted dad back and I ran up he stairs and back into my room smacking the doors behind me.

I slowly glided down the door sitting on the floor with my hands ripping some of my hair with tears streaming down my face.

"but I love Alastor..."

Alastors pov

I woke up hearing a voice I never thought I would hear ever again.. it was Y/n's voice.

"but I love Alastor..." She said, I looked around the room but she wasn't here.

It was like her voice was in my head

I looked at the clock and it was 4 am (It's different times from hell to heaven)

"Y/n..?" I Said and heard her gasp

"Alastor? can you hear me?" She asked and I responded with a 'yes'

"How can this be? Wait! do you have my old halo?" She asked and I looked at my bedside cabin seeing it shine more than usually

"Yes I do!" I said surprised

"Oh great! I've missed u so much" She said and I heard the sadness in her tone.

"I've missed you aswell" I said and I heard whimpering.. was she crying?

"I-i's something wrong?" I asked concerned.. why was she sad?

"oh... It's a long story.." She started "I have time" I continued

"Well you see.. I'm getting married.. long story short.." She said and I felt my heart break into a thousand of pieces

"But.." I whimpered.

"It's forced.. I only love u.." She said and I felt so sad now.

I grabbed the wine bottle from a small fridge that came with the hotel and popped the lid off

"Ur not drinking.. " She said 

"ehm.. yeah.." I said and took a big sip

"Alastor! I know it's hard but please don't!" She screamed almost

"But it takes the pain away.." I said sadly

"But it isn't good for you.. get rid of it please.." She said and I threw the bottle on the floor 

"Are you okay?! what happened?!" She said worried and I chuckled

"I'd do anything for you" I said 

"So you threw it on the ground? my god.." She said and giggled afterwards. "Mhm I got rid of it just like you asked babe" 

"I don't like those names.." She said annoyed and I chuckled





I laughed

"Bambi it is then" 

I heard her groan and laughed again, she's so cute

"You should be the Bambi here u deer!" She giggled 

"I'll be anything you want me to be.." I said seductively

"Stop" She said plainly and we both started laughing.

"It feels so good to hear ur voice again Al.." She said and I smiled

"I love you Y/n" I said It was like I could feel her smile after she said "I love you too"

"You need to sleep now Al" She said and I sighed as the headache came

"Okay.. Bye Y/n" I said 

"Bye bye" She said and the voice left my head

'She won't marry him.. I'll make sure of that..'

Y/n's pov

There was a knock on the door 

"Dear its me" Said my mom and I opened the door letting her in. "Come here" She said and spread her arms out for a hug

I hugged her and started tearing up again.

"I don't wanna marry him.." I said and we sat on the bed

"I know sugar.. I didn't wanna marry your father either but I had too.." She said and I looked up at her with glossy eyes.

"What..?" I cracked out and she took a deep breath.

"When I was Alive there was only one man for me.. his name was Lucifer.. We where very much in love and had plans for the future but then he was sent to rule hell, I did everything I could to get into hell with him but when I died I was in heaven and not hell.. Your father had forced me to marry him by then.. It was because of power not love.. Lucifer had met Lilith by then and after a few years they had gotten their daughter Charlie juts like me and your dad had gotten Jesus and you.." She finished and looked at me with teary eyes as I hugged her waist.

"I'm so sorry mom.." I said 

"it's okay.. he had forgotten all about me when he was sent to hell anyway.. I'm just a friend now" She said cracking up at the end.

"I understand your pain Y/n.." She said and hugged me again

After some talking she showed me a picture of The guy Chad

He had a blue pimpy suit on just like alastor has just abit more different, He had a golden halo, white wings, blonde hair, Blue eyes and a wide smile. Sure he was handsome but Alastor was for sure still winning 

".." I didn't say anything. But I felt hatred, Why?, don't ask me.

"Still like the other one more?" Asked mom referring to Alastor.

"Yeah duh" I said and handed her a picture of him I had taken while I was down in hell.

"Wow yeah" She said and smirked at me. "I know that look! You wanna marry him" She said and I blushed

"W-w-whaT?? Don't u think I'm abit young for that stuff?" I asked stuttering 

"But yeah.. I would like that" I said and she sent me a sad smile

"I should get going now Sugar" She said and walked out of the room.

"Fuck you Chad" I said and burned his picture and started drawing hearts on Alastors picture afterwards

"Much better" I said and hanged it on the wall infront of my bed so I could look at it before falling asleep 

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