Part 23

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It had been a few days after the shit that had happened and I felt terrible

I was still mad at my dad ofc even tho he have apologized to my mom but not me, He was still mad at me that I had been together with the all powerful Radio demon

They had burned the books or rather, Dad! had burned the books so there is no way to get back to hell to see my friends

'Wait.. Amy's still there!' I widened my eyes and shoot up from the sitting position I was in

"Mom!" I shouted as I ran down the stairs

I found her in the kitchen making herself a cup of coffee with dad by her side. "ugh.." I muttered when I saw him 

"What is it hun?" Asked my mom and put down the coffee on the kitchen counter

"Amy's still in hell" I said and her eyes widened and looked at dad

"What do we do about that?" She asked and he shot me a small glare before facing mom

"We leave her there ofc, We're not going back" He said and I started tearing up but wiped the tears quickly away with my sleeve

"What do you mean?! She's my only friend in his shit hole!" I shouted and covered my face with my hands almost breaking down, this was too much to handle.

"Do not use that language young lady!" Shouted dad and I stared at the ground letting the tears fall as my mom hugged me.

"Why Can't you just be like the other angels around your age?! Don't fight it!" Shouted/asked dad and I glared at him with anger

"Maybe I just fight cause I don't know where I belong!" I shouted and ran up to my room with my mom calling my name.

"I hate you dad!!!" I shouted when I was at the stairs on the way up so he could hear it. 

I opened the door to my room and locked it afterwards. I ran to my bed face first into my pillow and started sobbing.

'She okay?' I heard a maid ask another worker

Time skip

"Hun? can I come in?" Asked my mom and I opened the door to see her holding the red roses, chocolates and the letter that Alastor had given me back in hell

"How did u get that?" I asked and she stepped inside the room putting down the stuff on my bed. "Hun, We have magic" She said and sent me a smile which I returned forgetting that she had mastered that power, to get things back that where already destroyed.

I grabbed the letter and read it again reading Alastor's beautiful hand writing and the heart at the end.

"Did you rlly love him?" Asked mom and sat down beside me holding my hand as I teared up

I nodded and she leaned me on her shoulder comforting me. "Was he the one, Y/n?" She asked which made me blush and then nod with a soft Yes.

"Oh baby.." She said and petted my hair and started rocking me like a baby. "I'm so sorry about him and Amy.. What was his name?" She asked

"His name is Alastor but sinners call him the radio demon.." I said and grabbed the chocolates he had gotten me.

"I wish I could do anything.. I would do anything to trade places with you right now" She said and I started crying on her shoulder as she comforted me.

Charlie's pov

"What do you mean she's gone?!!" Shouted Amy and grabbed her hair in frustration staring at Alastor who was now crying 

I had never seen him cry..

"..I wasn't quick enough.." Said Alastor with his deer ears down as Amy broke down on the floor

"I will never see her again!" She shouted and angel went to comfort her telling her that it was gonna be okay.

I put my hand on Alastor's shoulder and pulled him into a a hug.. He needed it

Vaggie soon joined in and we all cried together, Me, Vaggie, Angel, Alastor and ofc Amy

"..She's gone.." Cracked Alastor and I wiped a tear of off my cheek as we pulled apart. "Damn.. I rlly did like Y/n.." Said Angel and looked at the floor with crossed arms

"How did it even happen?" Asked Amy and Alastor began explaining.

After he was done Amy asked

"So you always knew she was an angel?" 

"Yes, And I know you are too" He responded and looked at Amy

"But I won't kill you, since you're a demon now and even if you where an angel I wouldn't kill you since your Y/n's friend" He said and Amy walked over to the safe.

She pulled out the two halos and gave one of them to Alastor.

"I know that she's not here anymore but.. here's something to remember her off.." She said and Handed Alastor Y/n's old halo that was abit rusty now.

"It just needs a little polish and-" Started Amy but was cut of off Alastor giving her a hug

"Thank you Amy" He said and pulled away as Amy crossed her arms

"Yeah, yeah I just feel bad" She said and looked at her own silver halo giving it alittle rub so it could shine more.

"At least we still have Amy!" Said Angel looking at the bright side as she sighed.

"I'm going to my room now.. Night" She said and walked away

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