Chapter 27

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, which was weird since I wasn't a morning person. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and turned it on.

That's why I thought. Apparently, it's half past noon, which means I missed out breakfast.

As I got out of the bed, I turned towards the other side of the bed, where Hunter had slept on before he woke up.

I sighed before walking towards my closet. Things have been, different, between us. I feel like we never get some alone time anymore.

He wakes up too early in the morning, stays in his office during the afternoon and has his meetings during the evening.

I started to miss our times together, like when Hunter took me out on our first date. We went ice skating. I was a fast learner, Hunter, not so much.

Let's just say we were banned from the ice skating rink after Hunter tripped over an old man, bumped into some little kids, and slammed into the glass wall surrounding the rink.

And the funny part is, we didn't get banned from the trouble Hunter caused, we got banned because of the people and the staff were worried. The people were worried that Hunter would come back again, the staff were worried they'd get sued.

I let out a chuckle before heading out of the room and towards the kitchen. Hopefully, Amy isn't here.

I peeked my head into the kitchen to find Hunter sitting on the chair, reading a book. I was a bit surprised, as I expected him to be in his office, working as usual.

"You finally woke up huh?" Hunter asked as I made my way towards him. I kissed his forehead before grabbing an apple and taking a seat next to him.

"What are you doing here? You're usually at your office by now," I asked as I bit into the apple.

"Yeah, but I decided to spend the day with you." He said as he flashed a smile in my direction, which I returned.

"Why is that?"

"I felt like it, besides we haven't had any time to ourselves for the past couple of months."

I smiled before agreeing with him. I'm glad Hunter noticed our relationship, maybe today we will be able to mend it.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"I already planned everything so you don't have to worry. Just be ready by two in the evening."

"Come on," I whined, "at least give me a hint."

Hunter shook his head, resulting in me letting out a loud groan before pressing my head against the table. Hunter let out a chuckle causing me to raise my head back-up.

"Can you at least tell me what I should wear?"

"I guess you can wear a dress?" Hunter guessed.

"Useless," I muttered as I got out of my seat. Before Hunter had the chance to question what I said, I walked out of the room.


"What idiot says that!" I exclaimed, "It doesn't give me any detail about where we are going, and he wasn't even specific. Should I wear a black dress or a blue dress? I don't know!" I yelled as I threw my hands in the air.

"I warned you from the beginning, I told you, I told everyone. None of you believed me." Sarah said loudly as she pointed fingers towards all of us.

The girls and I all let out a nod of agreement before we all sat in silence.

"Is it just me or do I feel like there's something fishy going on?" Lisa asked.

"What do you mean?"

The Alpha's White Wolf {Editing} Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat