Chapter 1

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     "See you tomorrow Jack!" I say while walking out of Tommy's Coffee. (where I work)
I decided to walk to work today because to be honest I just needed to get out of the house more often. I walked down the sidewalk zipping up my black coat when I heard a faint cry. At first I didn't think much of it until it grew louder and it was almost like I was right in front of it. Could it be cat? Or maybe a puppy? I turned into a narrow ally way to search for what I thought was an animal. No, it definitely wasn't an animal. This was something much more bizarre.

     I gasp as I see a girl lying on the ground sobbing. It was heart wrenching to see her like this so I knelt down and gently spoke "Are you lost darling? Would you like me to help you up?" I can tell she was startled because her crying immediately changed to quiet sniffles. She looked up at me with the sweetest eyes but I noticed that something was off. The moon put just enough light on her face for me to see the gashes on her cheek.

     Even I jumped a bit at the sight but I made sure not to get her anymore scared than she already was. I could hear her whisper "Help." I started to tear up. Who could do such a thing to somebody so precious! "Who did this to you?" She looked behind me but when I turned nobody was there. I looked back at her but she was out like a light. I tried to wake her back up but she wouldn't even make a sound. I very gently scooped her into my arms and hurried to the nearest hospital

     On my way to Mercy Hospital I saw many people staring and whispering to one another. Why are so many out at this time of night! After arriving I ran inside and went straight to the desk with tears running down my cheeks. "Hello sir how can I help you today." the lady at the front desk tells me. I don't even say anything I just went wide eyed wondering how the lady could even ask that and just looked the girl in my arms and back at the lady in the front desk. I read the woman's name tag, Monica. "Right this way sir" Monica tells me.

Little Rowan and Daddy [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now