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It's fall and the weather is cooling but the streets are as popular as ever. Full of teenagers and adults alike walking around in groups. Not only that but the large amount of tourist will make it harder to track one person down.

The two planned on checking on the streets for the next couple of days because what they dreaded most was the shopping mall. They have had reports that the drug trafficker had some side piece who fancied shopping. So what better then to go shopping at the largest mall in Busan?

For the next 3 days the boys went from street to street and tasted all the snacks, I mean toured around to make sure they didn't see the man or hadn't missed him. At night they would fight over the bed or showering time. They were at each other's necks when they were confined in that apartment together, when they were out at least there was some breathing space.

On the fourth day the two woke up like normal, by normal it means Taehyung pulling Jeongguk out of bed and telling him to stop drooling on him.

Today the both of them got ready quickly because what they're searching through is a large mall. The two had blurry photos of how the 2 girls looked. One had a large tattoo on her right arm and the other had a small birth mark on her neck.

Not going to lie but Jeongguk found the one with the tattoos quite hot and suggested that he go look for that one while Taehyung looked for the one with the birthmark.

The older hummed a, "whatever," and split ways with the boy. If they were to see anyone with a similar look, they promised to call each other. Well Taehyung made Jeongguk promise because who knows if the kid will get himself lost in the mall and start crying.

After almost a whole day of walking around, buying some snacks and a couple of bathroom visits, Taehyung got a call from the younger.

He immediately tossed his water away into the plastics recycling bin and answered the call, "did you find one?"

The younger on the other side whispered confidently and bragged, "well I found two, they're at XXX store on the left wing right now, I think they're shopping together. Not only that but there's like three tall dudes near them. One of them is pretty close to me."

Without saying anything else back, Taehyung sped walked towards said location. He didn't want to make himself seem suspicious so once he saw the younger who was sitting on the bench pretending to look through his phone he jogged over yelling a little, "sorry for being late, couldn't find a parking spot man."

Jeongguk caught on and replied, "that's fine, I had the same problem. Oh and by the way my girlfriend wanted a bag from XXX, should we check it out?"

The older nodded and slowly they both enter the store. Immediately when the door jingled the two men near the girls turned their heads at the direction of the two added presence but the girls didn't even spare a glance.

Jeongguk and Taehyung pretended nothing was going on and continued walking in. The older glanced at the girls, large tattoo and birth mark along with similar features to the girls on the photo, 'it's them alright...'

Jeongguk lets out a sigh and pointed at the bags near the two girls and asked Taehyung, "do you think my girlfriend would like the red version of the bag or the black one?"

Taehyung slowly walked over to the boy and laughed, "it's for your girlfriend why would I know."

While they both chatted about the youngers nonexistent girlfriend Taehyung was also paying attention to the girls chatting near them. He had noticed that the two men had completely lost interest in him and Jeongguk therefore believing them to just be two losers shopping for a girl.

As Jeongguk continued to compare the two bags Taehyung could make out the girls conversation, "yeah why don't we go to XYZ bar on Saturday? He said that he'll give us more money to spend." "Yeah totally let's go! We can even snatch a couple of boys when we're there."

The younger also heard this and looked down at his phone, "hyung, she said she doesn't want the bag anymore and that it's out of style. What do I get her now?"

Taehyung knew that they had to get out of the store so suggested, "you know that sock store on the first floor sound perfect for this situation."

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