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Taehyung ended up falling asleep again but was awaken by that damn loud ringtone of Jeongguk's, 'what was it again? STB? Is he obsessed with them or something?' The older groaned and pinched the boy on the cheeks soft, "wake up.." his own voice be shocking himself in the morning, like can anything be a deeper tone than that? But either way the younger crawls out of Taehyung's grasp and almost rolled off the bed.

Taehyung barely had his eyes opened but peeked over at Jeongguk's shitty clock with his head resting about his palms, "10:00am, who calls at this time?"

The boy picked up the phone and climbed back into bed, "hello?" His voice sounded soft but a little raspy, the older really liked that.

"OH LEE!" Jeongguk who was groggy was now filled with excitement, eyes glowing and grinning. Taehyung was astounded, 'how the fuck does he get so happy talking to that fucker?? I'm so much better.' He just rolled his eyes and went back to sleep. The club they'll be going to opens at 6:00pm so they basically have all day to sleep in. 'But guess Lee doesn't like sleeping in, he likes ruining people's sleep.' The older thought. Can you tell that he's salty yet? If not, he's salty.

Sooner or later Taehyung fell back asleep leaving Jeongguk to chat away with his friend. The boy was shock to hear that Lee was in Busan and that Taehyung never mentioned anything. After a long conversation the boy was in high spirits along with being a little angry at the dude that was dead asleep next to him.

The boy plugged his phone back in and grabbed his pillow and started hitting Taehyung with it. Well mainly his face, he was slapping the olders face with a pillow. The older woke up confused but once he saw what was going on he was furious, "guk wtf."

Jeongguk pouted and hugged the pillow, "why didn't you tell me that Lee was here and that you were the one that brought him here??"

Sometimes Taehyung genuinely liked his time with the boy, but other times? Annoyance was the only word that could explain it, like what's the importance of Lee coming to Busan anyway?? So that's exactly what he said, "why did I have to tell you? It wasn't even important."

The youngers happy mood was completely ruined, Taehyung knew that Lee and him were good friends!! 'How could he be so inconsiderate?' The boy thought.

Jeongguk threw the pillow at Taehyung and went out to the living room. From then until they had to leave for the bar, the two didn't say a single word to each other. Only when they needed to go did the older mutter out, "we have to go."

The boy just got up from where he was sitting and walked out the apartment without responding. But he did look pouty and angry. When they were in the car, the drive was completely silent, Jeongguk sat in the back and looked out the car window like the main character of an anime who's sitting in the back of the classroom.

By the time they got there, Lee was already outside waiting. Jeongguk rushed out the car slamming the door and sped walked towards the officer who was in bartenders wear. Taehyung was still sitting in the drivers seat thinking about slamming his head through the glass.

Once it was 5:45 the owner had let the three of them in so they could take their places before anyone else had arrived. Lee had a talk with the original bartender to learn where the placement of things were while Taehyung walked over to Jeongguk to warn him, "don't drink." Before walking off to the other side of the club/bar.

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