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Me: "yes Jeongguk is being cute with Taehyung!"
Some of you in the comments: "EAT HIS DICK-"
As the sun had risen into the sky, both of them were still peacefully asleep but not until that dumb alarm started chiming (I am the alarm clock). Unlike last time, Jeongguk was the first to open his eyes. He was partly on top of the older and the man had his arms curled around him, basically not the most comfortable position but it was warm. Jeongguk lifted his head to look around, maybe it was due to yesterday's tireless night but Taehyung didn't move a muscle and stayed asleep which was a little unusual since he's always the first one up.

The boy tried to process through what he could remembered from last night while still being on top of the older but then his eyes fell onto Taehyung's neck. 'Whoever did that to him must be wild... wait a second.'

Jeongguk swung himself up so quickly that his head started to throb and ended up falling back onto the bed, "OUCH!"  He held onto his head not knowing that his not so quiet scream had woken Taehyung up.

Immediately the older sat up quickly and placed his palms on the boys forehead, "what's wrong? Does something hurt and do you feel sick?"

The younger raised his head and looked up, "I got up too fast... so my head throbbing..." Taehyung let's out a sigh of relief, "ok that's good... you remember anything?" Jeongguk again thought about yesterday's events causing him to glow bright red, "s-some of it."

The older nodded and smiled, "that's good... I can fill you in on what you don't remember, maybe the sexy bits?" He scratched his head and looked the boy straight in the eyes, "what do you remember?" Truthfully all Jeongguk remembered was some of the embarrassing things he had done.

The younger sulked and looked down, "well, I was all over the place and maybe I did that to your neck?" Taehyung chuckled and cocked his head upwards towards the ceil, "man... I was gonna say something like, 'oh we did it.' But you remembered so guess not." The olders looks back down and Jeongguk who fully flustered, the boy threw the blankets off himself and stomped to the bathroom. Taehyung snickered and followed in suit, "are you trying to seduce me with your legs baby?"

Jeongguk let's out a loud, "HUHH?" Before feeling a little airy below, "ah." He quickly slammed the bathroom door on Taehyung's face and screamed, "get me pants!!"

The older yawns and cracked his back, still standing in front of the door and unlocked it, "ain't it nice to live in a cheap apartment with literally no locks to any door but the front?" Taehyung smiled and walked in before grabbing his toothbrush, "you should brush your teeth too oh and look at the mirror when you get the chance, your hairs ridiculous."

Jeongguk in his little slippers scowled and stomped out to dig through his cloths for his pants ignoring the last part, he quickly pulled on whatever he found just to hear Taehyung whine in the distance, "aw cmon, you look even less appealing now."

The boy sped walked towards the man and was ready to pull the olders hair out before passing the mirror of the bathroom and seeing himself. "I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE STRANGLED ME!" He was pointing at his neck teary eyed and stared at Taehyung.

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