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"Lol that's a you problem!" Taehyung hackled (IM JUST KIDDING IM NOT THIS MEAN ;;)

"Why're you lonely? You could be looking through your phone and stuff." Taehyung calmly said while stuffing the somewhat soggy and snot filled tissue into a small Ziploc bag.

Jeongguk breathed and let's out a choked up sigh before quickly shaking his head, "ah it's nothing... maybe I'm just exaggerating, can we go home now?"

Confused, the older just nodded and left for the drivers seat.

"Want anything to eat before we go back?" Taehyung looked at the rear view mirror to monitor how the boy was doing.

Jeongguks head was leaned against the window of the car, slouched over a little and replied, "I already ate, what about you?"

Actually the older didn't eat, he had lunch but nothing else. Maybe looking for the younger had complete caused food to leave his mind so he lets out a, "no, I'm gonna drive us to a convenience store and grab something ok?"

Looking back at the mirror, Taehyung and Jeongguks eyes met but the younger flinched away, "ok."

In not too long they came across a store that lit up the whole corner of the long street. "Do you want anything? Food, drink?" Taehyung was outside the car and opened the back seat door to ask the younger.

"Milk?" The word came out a little quiet but was understandable. Jeongguk was a little embarrassed at his request so looked away once he had said it.

The way he's hiding his face by avoiding eye contact was cute to the older so taehyung chuckled and asked, "which type?"

Jeongguk looked back at the older with his eyebrows knitted and quietly almost whimpering like, mouthed, "banana." Immediately after that the boy turned red and pressed his face into his palms.

"Haha ok." The older tousled the boys hair,  closed the car door and then walked off.

When it had been 20 minutes and Taehyung still didn't return, Jeongguk got worried and gave him a call. Unlike earlier today the call went through right away and before the boy could even say anything, the voice on the other side quickly mutter, "sorry guk I'll be back soon, there's just a drunk man in here... Whoops, don't fall that way you're gonna crash into the drinks-... ah I'll be back soon just hang- ugh come on man! -hang on tight."

The call ended just like that, it was funny to hear the older struggle in there. While sitting there with nothing to do, Jeongguk closed his eyes and drifted off.

Taehyung on the other hand was trying to get the man out of the store because he was knocking into EVERYTHING.

After some wrestling the man was finally out the store and the owner thanked Taehyung. He simply said, "no problem," before quickly grabbing a random stuffed Kimbap and the four banana flavored milks left in the cooler and paid.

The man quickly left the store and hurried his way back to the car. He was about to bang on the windows to scare the boy but saw that he was asleep so caught himself. Taehyung slowly opened the door and drove home.

Taehyung swore that Jeongguk isn't too heavy, and that's fact. The older was taller and somewhat more built than the boy, but when you haven't eaten all day and the one you're carrying isn't grabbing onto you but instead swishing around like jelly, it's a little hard.

Climbing all those stairs with narrow steps isn't easy as either. But soon Taehyung made his way up. 'Ah great, I'm just gonna magically open this goddamn door now.'

After a struggle or seven, the man managed to open the door.

He slowly and softly laid the boy down on the couch before straightening up his back. Looking down at Jeongguk, Taehyung pretty much would be lying if he said anyone else other than Jeongguk was angelic.

The younger looked peaceful when he slept, unlike the little angry bird he was when he was awake.

Taehyung ate what he bought quickly and grabbed a spare change of cloths before leaving.

To the bathroom.

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