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"Well I didn't mean to make a ring around your neck but it's just you where in a weird position on top of me in the tub ,naked, and I didn't want to move you so that was all I could do, but if you wanted a hickey somewhere else just holla." Taehyung was still peeking out of the bathroom but started brushing his teeth now. While Jeongguk was still rubbing his neck he muttered, "couldn't you have made it less apparent?"

The older rinsed his mouth and chuckled, "well mine are pretty out there as well so you aren't allowed to complain, especially when you brought it upon yourself," "ohhh and I almost forgot, do you want to head back to the office today or in a couple of days? Your friend asked yesterday."

Jeongguk looked up quickly eyes sparkling, "Lee?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked towards to bed, "yeah. Now when do you wanna leave??" The boy wanted to leave right away but looked back at the mirror once more, sure it was pretty chilly out and they could wear turtle necks or scarves without being weird to hide the marks but they didn't bring any. That was also the moment Jeongguk noticed the shirt he was wear was basically engulfing him, "uh I don't think we can leave when we look like this, and is the shirt yours?"

The man agreed and nodded, "sure and yeah, your cheeks were out so I was being nice, looks cute on you too. You should where more of my stuff, want a hoodie?"

The boy started pulling the tshirt off himself when Taehyung gasped, "wow I never knew you'd strip in front of me like that when your sober." The older walked towards the boy who couldn't make up his mind to take the shirt off or not after the mans sly comment.

Taehyung ruffled the boys hair and commented, "your hair really doesn't want to stay down," because of the marks decorating his neck, Jeongguk completely forgot to focus on his hair and walked into the bathroom once more, and of course the older followed.

While the younger was trying to flatten his hair down with some water, the man leaned against the walls and smiled, "your hairs pretty long when it's straight and flat huh? It's cute." Jeongguk who was facing the mirror could see his own reflection glow, distracted by the heat on his face he dunked his whole head into the sink of water.

"I- Jeongguk what the fuck are you doing?" Taehyung walked over and pulled the boy up, "oh look it's all flat now."

Jeongguk's face and hair was dripping wet, water sliding down his neck and hair on to the white shirt he was wearing making part of it see through, 'this isn't healthy for me.' Taehyung thought and massaged the back of his neck.

"Should I cut my hair?" Jeongguk looked at the mirror once again and looked back at Taehyung not know his effect on the man in front of him. The older quickly shook his head and grabbed a towel before plopping it on the boys head to dry his hair.

Taehyung walked out the door and went through the drawer where he had placed the hair dryer, "come here, I'll dry your hair." He pointed at the couch in the living room and the boy followed.

Taehyung sat on the couch while Jeongguk sat on the floor between the mans legs. When the dryer turned on, the older started tousling the boys hair lightly while blow drying it. After awhile the younger rested his head on Taehyung's knees and stopped moving around impatiently like before, "Guk?"

With no reply the older combed his hands through the boys hair one last time to make sure it was completely dry, then peeked his upper body over to see the boy asleep. On his legs.

Taehyung could feel his lower leg falling asleep but didn't dare to move, "you just woke up how could you be asleep again?"

The boy shifted a little and because the neck line of the t-shirt was wider than a subway foot long, the boys shoulder was exposed along why part of his chest. 'Lord give me strength...' Taehyung thought to himself before picking the boy up carefully and placing him on the couch.

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