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"Should we go then?" Taehyung started to pull his luggage towards the door and Jeongguk replied a, "yea— wait hyung I want to just look one last time."

The older stopped and turned towards the younger and smiled, "ok..." hand in hand they walked from the living room to the bedroom then the bathroom. Jeongguk looks up at the older and slyly comments, "I hope your place is as homey and cozy like this one." Tousling the younger hair and leading him back to the entrance the male softly replies, "it'll be, once you're there."

Unlike coming to this apartment and having to pull their luggage's all the way to the fifth floor, edging the cases downwards was a breeze. In no time they were back in Taehyung's car and zooming their way back to Seoul. Well besides the struggle of the older trying to get down the stairs with the stuffed rabbit blocking his view. 

On the highway all the older was focused on was the boys neck, he himself had the turtle neck on still but Jeongguk was dozing off with nothing covering the bruises that had otherwise darkened throughout the night. 'Maybe I'll have him stay in the car while I get Tannie...' When they were almost back the older pressed the number of the doggie daycare and told them that he's arriving back to Seoul soon. The employee on the other side of the call understood and lets the male know that they'll get Yeontan ready.

Once back to Seoul, Taehyung pulled into a parking space right next to the Doggie daycare and looked over at the younger who was snoring away. Shuffling his way closer to him, the older tried to adjust the seat so that it allowed the younger to sleep more comfortably. Though he didn't expect the seat to create a large click once it was locked into place. Jeongguk was now woken up by the sound and drowsily looked at the male, "we're here?"

Taehyung nods and just thought, 'whatever, if they see his neck, they see his neck. No ones gonna know I did it...' He unbuckled himself and the boy before telling Jeongguk to wipe his drool. A little embarrassed, he quickly wiped his mouth and followed the older out the car. It was not as cold as Busan but still chilly, the two quickly and excited rushed into the store. At the counter the male employee who had worked with the man before asked, "here for tannie?"

The older nods with Jeongguk peeking from behind him. Not for long the pup excitedly was brought out from the back on his little leash with the employee holding onto his bag of necessities.

— (imagine tannie smaller, puppy still)

Once they left the store with the pup in hand, Taehyung handed him over to Jeongguk who was extatic. It was like an instant connection and tannie loved the boy. In the car ride home the dog stayed on the youngers lap with no problem, "he's more proper than you hyung."

The man chuckles and refutes, "no I'm definitely just as proper if not even more, he takes after me after all."

Once Taehyung's car stopped outside his apartment, the boy was in shock. This was a nice ass building and it looked expensive so Jeongguk joked, "hah hyung I'm beginning to think you get paid way more than me." Expecting the man to just laugh it off and dismiss his idea, the older looked at his and cocked his head, "well I do though, since I've got five years on you. You'll get there someday buns." Caressing both the boy and tannie, the older hopped out the car and went to the backseats to pull the stuff plush out.

After getting into the elevator and arriving at Taehyung's apartment Jeongguk almost chokes, it was spacious and well decorated with windows surrounding almost all the walls.(here in nyc, if you have a lot of windows in your apartment, the place is pretty hefty in rent) the older took off his shoes and welcomed the boy in. They toured the whole apartment with the puppy still in Jeongguk's arms.

Let's just say the boy was scared to touch anything because if it broke, he'd probably have to pay back thousands. "And this is the bedroom, you can sleep here with me, preferably with out pants on."

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