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Things had been a bit better Georgie and Elvis spent most of their time out her dad still hated it. They had found a house 4 months later and it was move in day. Georgie was 7 months pregnant she was on maternity leave now. Elvis rolled over on Saturday morning and put his hand on her stomach "morning beautiful" he smiled she smiled and kissed him "it's moving day" she smiled he smiled "let's do this" he smiled she nodded and he kissed her lips. They got up and got ready and Georgie stood looking in her mirror she put her hands on her stomach and Elvis walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her putting his hands on hers "I love you" he said kissing her cheek she smiled "and I love you" he added bending down and kissing her belly, she smiled "let's get out of here" she said he smiled and held her hand "most of the boxes are in the car already, I'll take these few down and then we will pop to the estate agents on the way and pick up the keys" he said she nodded "we've got a house Elvis and we're about to have a baby" she said he smiled "we've not done too bad have we?" He asked she shook her head "I love you" she smiled hugging him he smiled "I love you too" he said. "Come on then" she smiled she picked up a bag and Elvis looked at her "I know what your thinking and it's not heavy" she smirked he smiled and he picked up a box and carried it down to the car they got everything loaded and she walked into the kitchen where her mum was sitting "bye mum" she smiled her mum started crying "mum don't cry I'm moving 5 minutes down the road" she said "I know, but your moving out" she said "mum I'm never here anyway surely it's better than be being in afghan?" She smiled "it is of course it is" she smiled Georgie smiled "come round, be the first to see our new house I will text you the address and your welcome whenever you want" she smiled her mum kissed her head "go on" she smiled Georgie smiled and walked out. "Jump in" he smiled she got in the car and they pulled up at the estate agents and they walked in. They exchanged keys and then got back in the car. "Let's go" he smiled she smiled and held his hand. They pulled up at the house and Georgie smiled "home" she said he smiled "anywhere is home with you" he smiled she smiled and they got out and walked in. They didn't have much stuff they had the bed from Georgie's and they had brought baby stuff and stored it. They had bedroom things but they didn't have anything else except a sofa which they were going to pick up later. Georgie unlocked the door and they walked in "we've got our own house" she smiled he smiled and picked her up kissing her. They started taking boxes in and when the car was empty they headed to pick up the baby stuff from storage. Once they had got it all in the house it was time to start building. "Let's do our room first hopefully we've got another month or so before this one meets us and we've got 2 hours before we need to pick the sofa up" he said she nodded and they headed upstairs. They built her bed again and then her phone rang. "Hi mum" she smiled "hey honey, I'm coming to see your place I've got your mattress" she said "thank you so much" she smiled "your welcome sweetheart I'll be 2 mins" she smiled she nodded and shut it off. "Mums bringing my mattress now" she said Elvis nodded and she knocked on the door "I'll get it I'll get the mattress up with her" he said Georgie nodded and started putting together the wardrobe. They got the mattress up and put it on the bed and then they both sat down to help finish the wardrobe. Once they had finished her mum fetched the bedside tables and brought them over to the house Elvis carried them upstairs and Georgie made the bed. "Well it's looking more like home" she smiled he smiled and kissed her head "haven't you two got to get that sofa?" She asked he nodded and so did Georgie "the man is going to deliver it he should be here any minute" he said she nodded "I didn't know that" smiled Georgie "how were we going to get it here" he laughed "he's got a van" he added she nodded. "Pick a TV I think we've got enough to buy one" he smiled she smiled and nodded "we will get that delivered and then tomorrow we can go shopping and buy some kitchen stuff yeah?" He asked she nodded and smiled. "Mum go have a look round" she smiled she nodded and Georgie walked around the house with her. "Baby's bedroom" she smiled "it's perfect" she smiled "it will be when it looks like a nursery" she smiled Grace nodded. "That's our job this next week painting and decorating and making this room look amazing then we can work on the whole house, that way at least if little one comes early it's got a place to stay" she smiled Grace nodded "you've done well for yourself George" she smiled Georgie smiled "I've got everything I'll ever need and want" she smiled Grace smiled and kissed her head. They walked around the rest of the house and a couple of hours later Grace went home. It was 4pm now and they had done enough for the day they walked down the high street and grabbed fish and chips and headed home eating it on the sofa. "Let's go and put that cot up it's not like we can watch anything" she smiled he smiled "come on then" he smiled. They walked upstairs and put the cot up and put the Moses basket together. They put together the changing table and Georgie smiled "I never thought this would be me" she said "what?" He asked "happy, a mum, have a family" she said "but I'm glad that it is me" she smiled he smiled and kissed her head. "We will go and get the paint tomorrow and then we can paint our room and the bathroom and wallpaper the living room yeah?" He smiled she nodded "the TV is coming in 3 days" he said she smiled "and then I think that's us done until pay day" he smiled she laughed "my bank accounts never been so low" she laughed he smiled and they sat down on the sofa "I'm ready for this baby" she said he smiled and kissed her head "were going to have an amazing family Georgie" he smiled she nodded "our family is already amazing and it can only go up" she smiled.

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