I feel like me again.

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Georgie woke up at 4am when her alarm went off she moved out of Elvis's arms and he woke up "wakey wakey" she smiled he smiled and kissed her lips sitting up she smiled. They got dressed and ready, they wanted to do as much as they could before waking Tyler up, they knew the jet lag would bother him. "I think everything's ready" she said Elvis nodded "we just need to wake Tyler and get him dressed" she said Elvis nodded and walked upstairs with Georgie. He was already awake sitting up Georgie smiled "hey little man" she smiled picking him up and putting him on the floor. They got him ready and put his coat on him and his shoes and strapped him into the car. "Let's go" she smiled locking the house, her mum was going to keep an eye on it. Elvis got in to drive and they drove the half an hour to the airport. They parked and grabbed their stuff putting it through so they could take it into the plane and Georgie held Tyler's hand as they walked out to the soldiers. "Hey strangers" she smiled smiling at 2Section "your the stranger" said Monk running over to her they all ran over and hugged her in a group hug Charlie smiled "it's good to have you back Lane" he smiled "it's good to be back boss" she smiled "I feel like me again" she smiled Elvis smiled "you haven't grown up too much have you?" Asked Maisie "I'll never grow up Maisie" she smiled Elvis smiled and they all boarded the plane. Georgie sat down between Tyler and Fingers on the 4 row plane seats, Elvis sitting at the window the other side of Tyler. "Ready for your first flight mate?" Asked Georgie looking at the little boy "window" he said "when we're up you can sit on daddy's lap" she smiled holding his hand. Elvis held her hand on top of Tyler's and smiled at her she smiled back and held his hand tighter "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she smiled "and I love you little monster" Elvis said kissing his cheek Georgie smiled she really was so happy. They got up in the air and Georgie unstrapped her and Tyler "go on then" she smiled he climbed onto Elvis's lap looking out of the window "clouds!" He smiled she smiled "your above them" she smiled. An hour later Tyler had climbed onto Georgie's lap and Fingers was playing with him "best friend" Tyler laughed playing with Fingers Georgie laughed and so did Elvis "told you he's made of soldier material" she smiled Fingers laughed Georgie sat him on her seat and moved over to sit next to Elvis he smiled and held her hand as she rested her head on his shoulder "thank you, for letting us do this" she smiled "It's your life, your allowed to do whatever you want" he smiled she smiled "plus I can't say I didn't want to come" he laughed she smiled and closed her eyes "watch him fingers" she said he nodded "of course" he smiled. The plane was an army plane there was only 15 of them on it. "Who's that?" Asked Tyler looking over fingers at Charlie "go and see" smiles fingers standing in him the aisle Elvis smiled and he walked down the aisle "hi mate" smiled Charlie "Hello" he smiled "you must be Tyler" he said lifting him onto the seat "yes" he smiled "I'm Charlie, I'm your mummy's boss" he smiled Georgie was awake just had her eyes closed "what about daddy?" He asked "I'm not his boss he works for someone else your daddy is in charge" he smiled. Tyler giggled and ran back down the aisle he fell over and Georgie didn't realise Maisie picked him up and Georgie smiled "is he alright?" She asked Maisie nodded "that's it dry those tears" smiled Maisie Georgie smiled "Tyler be a big boy your alright" said Georgie he stopped crying and Monk laughed "what?" Georgie laughed "your hardcore aren't you" he laughed "well, you can't be soft in this world anymore, he's alright" she smiled. He sat on Maisie's lap and looked out of the window of the plane Elvis held Georgie again and she closed her eyes. "Landing in 10 minutes" said Charlie "come here Tyler" said Elvis Maisie put him on the floor and he walked over to fingers who lifted him back into his seat Georgie smiled at him and strapped him in. Everyone else's belts clicked and Georgie held Tyler's hand. The plane landed and they all got off going to pick up their bags. They got to the truck and Elvis gave Georgie a leg up she wasn't the tallest of people she jumped up and Elvis passed Tyler to her "army truck!" He shouted she smiled and sat him on her lap. This was the most dangerous part of the journey once this was over they would be fine. They arrived at camp and Milan walked over to everyone he smiled at Georgie and she smiled back as she picked Tyler up off of the truck and held him on her hip "is he yours?" Milan asked smiling she nodded "yeah he is" she smiled looking at her little boy "Tyler this is Milan" she smiled "hello" he smiled Milan smiled and Georgie passed him to Milan "he's used to being passed around" she smiled grabbing her bag and Elvis carried his. They walked to a static built building "this is your home for the next month, we didn't want Tyler being around those lot" smiled Charlie Georgie and Elvis smiled "thank you" she smiled "I'm next door if you guys need anything" he smiled they nodded and Milan passed Tyler back to Georgie and she put him down "this is home for the next month Tyler" she smiled opening the door he smiled and walked in. "I'll be down in a minute I'll come and see what we're dealing with" she smiled he nodded and walked away smiling. Elvis sat on their bed and so did Georgie. "That's your bed mate" said Elvis pointing to kiddie bed they had set up in the room Tyler smiled and ran over climbing onto it. "Well, I better go and see what I'm dealing with are you alright with him?" She asked he nodded "of course" he smiled Georgie kissed his lips and headed out. She walked into the medical tent and Milan smiled "Georgie, this is my son, Milo" he smiled walking him over Georgie smiled "congratulations Milan" she smiled "and my wife" he said pointing to a woman helping people she smiled "I'm happy for you" she smiled he smiled "I'm happy for you too" he smiled. "He's 3 soon, how old is Tyler?" He asked "2 and a half" she smiled Milan smiled "they'll have to meet" he said Georgie nodded "definitely" she smiled "he will love having a friend here" she smiled Milan smiled and showed her around the tent at what needed doing. "So Tuesdays and Thursdays will be your days if that's okay?" He asked she nodded "that's absolutely fine" she smiled "thank you" he said she nodded "it's Friday today obviously" he laughed "does that give you enough time to get climatized?" He asked she nodded "of course" she smiled "I'll see you on Tuesday if I don't before" she smiled walking back to Elvis and Tyler.

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