Back to Nepal.

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A year later It was 8am Saturday and Georgie's phone was ringing she picked it up turning over in bed "I'll go and get Tyler" said Elvis climbing out of bed she nodded and answered "Lane" "yes boss" she said "I know this is a long shot with your situation but there's been an earthquake in Nepal again, it's been classified as safe there now but the crisis care is struggling, you and Elvis I just need to get the crisis care some medical help and your the best you know the place and Milan" he said "I've got a 2 year old son Charlie" she said "You can bring him they only want you 2 days a week just to help see some more patients through the door and those 2 days Elvis will have off to look after Tyler I promise" he said Georgie sighed "look I'm going to have to talk this through with Elvis, you know what that place is like" she said "your not leaving that med tent don't even take your army uniform" he said she nodded "I'll talk to him when do you need an answer by?" She asked "tomorrow morning" he said she nodded "alright thank you Charlie" she said shutting off the phone. "I need to talk to you" she said Elvis sat down on the bed and Georgie gave Tyler a hug and kissed his head "morning handsome" she smiled "that was Charlie" she said "he wants you to go on tour?" He asked "not exactly, more like a holiday with 2 weeks work, with you" she said "we can't both leave him" he said "he can come with us" she said "to where?" Asked Elvis "Nepal" she said Elvis nodded "we've been to more dangerous places" he said Georgie nodded "there's been another earthquake, they need me 2 days a week for the med tent and your help in there some days, but one of us will always be with Tyler" she said he nodded "alright" he said "what?" She asked "do you want to do it?" He asked she nodded "when do we leave then?" He asked she smiled and hugged him "I love you" she smiled he smiled "it's what we do George, we help people and he gets to go to Nepal! How many 2 year olds can say that" he smiled Georgie smiled "you hear that buddy, your going on holiday" she smiled picking him up and hugging him "how long is it for?" He asked "4 weeks" she said he nodded "it's not even too long" he smiled she kissed his lips and she rang Charlie back "is it a no Lane?" He asked "no it's a yes, if all 3 of us can go we're ready" she smiled Charlie smiled "thank you Lane!" He smiled she smiled "no worries when do we leave?" She asked "4 days, Wednesday at 6am be at the airport" he said she nodded "okay" she smiled "we will give you some scrubs when you get there, people need not know your in the army" he said she nodded "perfect thank you" she smiled he nodded "see you then Lane" he smiled she shut off the phone "we leave in 4 days, 6am be at the airport" she said he nodded and smiled "I haven't been in a plane for 2 years" she smiled "you never were a big fan" he smiled "they're okay" she laughed "he's never been in a plane" smiled Elvis "better get used to it with parents like us" she laughed Elvis nodded and hugged her laying back on the sofa. Tyler stood up and ran at them, they smiled hugging him in the middle. "We better let my mum know" she laughed he smiled "let's get dressed and go and pay her a visit" he said she nodded. They got everything sorted it was 8:30am "do you want to go to nanny's house?" Asked Georgie looking at Tyler playing in the front room he got up and ran over "I'll take that as a yes" she laughed she text her mum and they put their coats on and walked round. Georgie knocked on the door Elvis had Tyler sitting on his shoulders holding his hands and feet together. Grace answered the door and smiled "hey you guys" she smiled Georgie smiled and they walked in. Tyler got his toys out and Georgie and Elvis sat with a cuppa on the sofa talking to her mum and dad. "We came to tell you something" said Georgie "your not pregnant again are you?" Asked her mum smiling "no, afraid not" she laughed "we're going to Nepal with the army but not as army" she said "both of you?" She asked they nodded "what about Tyler?" She asked "he's coming with us" said Georgie "really George?" She asked "I promise I'm not wearing my uniform I won't pick up a gun I'm staying in the medical tent for only 2 days a week and we've got a car we can use we're going to go and see some places" she said "we're not going into the middle of Nepal to fight we're going to save lives and Tyler's going to have an incredible time" she smiled her mum nodded "you look after him out there Georgie" she said "are you sure he's old enough?" Asked her dad "we can take him" he said "for a month?" She asked "that's a quite a while to be away from mum and dad "I'll get him his own little army top you'll look like a right soldier" she smiled picking him up and cuddling him he laughed and her mum smiled "may as well start him early ah" Georgie laughed "because of course he's going to end up a very talented special forces soldier like his daddy" she smiled Elvis laughed her mum glanced at her still unsure "I'm joking mum id shit myself if he ever told me he was going in the army" she said her mum smiled "you finally know how we felt" she smiled Georgie walked over and hugged her "we will be okay" she said her mum nodded "alright, let him see the world you only live once" she smiled Georgie smiled and kissed her cheek. "We're going to Nepal" Georgie laughed hugging Elvis he smiled "we should have known she would never change" laughed her mum her dad smiled "she wouldn't be our Georgie if she did" he smiled.

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