Prologue - Man on a Plane (Edited)

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"Okay class I want you all to turn to page thirty-three in your foreign studies books and follow along--" The teacher was interrupted as the class phone rang. Mr. English's phone never rang when he was teaching, actually the only time it rang was for when one of the class was being brought to the office...actually that was a lie too. Zach was the only one sent to the office in that class, almost every time the phone rang it involved him. The teacher stopped talking and he went over to the phone and answered it. He talked to the person on the other side of the line for a little while, and the he looked towards Zach with a grim expression.

"Zach, I need you to come into the hallway with me for a second." He said and, ignoring all of the comments and murmurs, he overheard the teacher finishing his phone call.

"Yes. I'll tell him," the grim expression he still had told Zach that it was something bad this time. Then he followed Zach out the door, and right as the door closed Zach came at the teacher with everything he had.

"What's wrong? Is it my grandma? My grandpa? Who were you talking to? What's happening--" he stepped forwards with almost every word and the teacher held his shoulders firmly stopping his assault.

"It's both of your grandparents." He said and looked down, taking off his glasses as he did so, "They were found dead by a neighbor coming to visit. The officer I was talking to said that the back door was still open and so they'd gone into the house to investigate."

"I accidentally left the door open. I do that accidentally sometimes, but I swear it was an accident..." Zach was frantic and his mind finally caught up to the main point. "Wait they're dead?"

"Look. I don't know how to tell you this, but yes. They were found dead together in their bed, the officer said it looks like they died peacefully in their sleep, and hopefully the official report says that too." The teacher confirmed. Zach was confused, he'd said goodbye to them that morning as he left for school, and nothing seemed off, sure they were still in their room, but they still said goodbye to him as he left. He remembered that clear as day.

"I--I said goodbye to them this morning though, and I remember them responding like usual." He pulled out his phone and went to call them, but the teacher gently put a hand over it to stop him. "I know they said it back to me as I left. I wasn't too tired this morning and I just know they said something."

"You need to go to the police station,"Mr. English said, "They'll tell you everything they know about what's happened, and hopefully you can figure out things from there." Zach didn't waste any time: He ran down the hall, passing the stuff in his locker on his way to the main doors. In his mind there wasn't any thought of stopping to grab anything, wasting precious time he needed to leave. Then, after practically falling down the steps twice, he got to the bike rack, and practically ripped the thing off before tearing off towards the nearest station.

The teacher watched him run down the hall for a moment before going back into his classroom. He sighed and everyone looked at him from where they were by the window with confusion, guilt, and a few other emotions, and the others just watched Zach racing down the street on his bike.

"Class. Class is canceled for the day. Go do whatever you want for the rest of the period." He said before sitting in his classroom chair and staring out the window with a sigh as Zach's figure turned the corner onto the main street. Everyone practically ran from the classroom, the earlier events quickly fading from their memory as they thought about all the things they had time for now. Some just hung around in the hallways until lunch, and others decided that they were going home for the rest of the day. The last half of their school-day had been basically canceled after all, so they could just say that they had an unexpected half-day at school that day.

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