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Madiha could hear from the room while she was reciting Quran the repeated opening and closing of refrigerator. She knew who the culprit was but she was letting it go ....because her 8yr old son Hannaan had kept his first ever roza ....well in past he had tried to keep rozas which ended at 12 or which involved eating only chocolates. But when yesterday he listened to his Dad talking about the reward of keeping fast in ramadaan would be personally given by AR RAHMAN SWT ...and since then he was adamant to keep entire roza ...and when asked what was the reward he wanted ALLAH SWT to give him ..the answer made everyone awed by his innocence as he wanted to ask ALLAH SWT to give him his own cricket field in jannah .
Deciding to check on him and also to prevent the breaking down of the refrigerator door Madiha went to Hannaan only to end up laughing as she saw his poor son giving forlorn lover look to the water bottles.
Thus she decided to make all Hannaan favourite dishes for iftaari but in limited amount as not to waste .Smell of spices and sound of simmer started filling the entire house.

But there was another simmering going on the heart of Maryam .This all preparations and pampering left her feeling annoyed , unloved, ignored and somewhat furious towards poor Hannaan.Oblivious to the fact that this preparations was nothing to the feast that was held on her first roza. She went to her room saying she was ill.
Truly sick she was but in the heart.

Praying asr salah Maryam went down feeling all guilty of not helping her mother but still the pang of jealousy burnt in her heart .As she reached the kitchen she was shocked to see that not only Hannaan but her favourite dishes was also there .The guilt multiplied. On seeing her in kitchen Madiha smiled and asked how she was. Maryam all guilty looking at the dishes and her tired mother asked why she cooked her favourites( though she felt happy to see them).Madiha told her that her Dad helped and when Hannaan knew about cooking of her favourite dishes he eagerly helped.And now was all tired and sprawled on the sofa .
.Listening and seeing her brother Maryam guilt had now weighted a mountain .She looked up to her mother only to end up crying.

Madiha hugged her as her daughter told the tale of her stupid jealousy .When Maryam finally relaxed Madiha told her to look at the glass of water she was giving her to drink and asked would she drink this same water if it was filled with all dirt and mud .Maryam nodded negative.Then Madiha smiled and said you too are like this water Maryam but if you will let dirt of jealousy and mud of anger in yourself you will become like that undrinkable water ...a bad girl. Always fight negative with positive when you feel such feeling talk to me or your dad or best talk to ALLAH SWT and seek his forgiveness but never ever go on assuming and harbouring these feelings.Maryam nodded and smiled slightly and hugged her mother.

Madiha was happy to make her daughter understand and teach something so important though it came with a price of burnt samosas.But it was all worth as she saw the love among siblings with how at iftaari Maryam fretted over Hannaan drinking too much water and making him eat fruits by her hands and Hannaan obediently eating and making her eat too.

Like Maryam we all go through experiencing negative feeling so it's necessary to talk it out and not just assume. So let's this Ramadaan be not just about fasting and reciting Quran,taraweeh but also purifying our heart of all negative feelings.Seek forgiveness.Fight these negative feelings with Astaghfirullah🍁


Hope you will all like the chapter.
And dedicating this chapter to a beautiful soul Aisha0078
Do remember me and ummah in your duas.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🍁

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