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Madiha had a habit of making list of duas that she wanted to ask ALLAH SWT  specifically during last ten days of Ramadaan and joining her in this league were her two little minions Maryam and Hannaan. Sprawled on respective sofas both were busy in making their duas list. While on the other side, Madiha was busy in dusting alone as Yusuf was involved in his office work. After finally getting over with dusting of entire house, Madiha reclined on the sofa next to Hannaan , feeling all exhausted. As she felt being invaded by sleep ,but to her chagrin it was broken by two cute intruders who were keen on making her read their duas list, Madiha lifted herself from her reclined position muttering 'InnAllaha ma as sabireen' (Indeed, ALLAH  is with the patient).As she went through their respective duas list ,she found their list cute but both lists were missing something very important i.e duas for others.

She looked up to see the eager faces of her daughter and son expecting to be praised, causing to commence a battle between her heart and mind. But letting her mind win so that her heart could be at peace in future she said, ' The lists are cute but they lack something very important' .
Maryam and Hannaan looked keenly at their mother not understanding what lacked in their duas lists. Madiha spoked again ,' Your lists lack duas for others .Listening to this Maryam said, ' But mamma isn't Laylatul Qadr is about us getting forgiven and us getting rewards from ALLAH SWT ,how we will get reward praying for others ,shouldn't everybody pray for themselves and get rewards and blessings for themselves on these nights ? .Hannaan agreement to her sister' s words was reflected in his vigorous nodding. Madiha took a deep breath before she began to explain their why's.

'To answer your question you both need to answer mine first' . As Madiha said both Maryam and Hannaan inquisitively looked at her.' What do we get from trees?' Madiha asked. Curiosity turned into confusion but since they both knew their mother always seem to find a link between mismatched subjects ,they began to answer. Oxygen ,food ,fruit .Fruit comes in food only '.Maryam retorted.' No they are not ' Hannaan  argued back. But before situation could turn into a parliamentary session like scenario , Madiha asked them , ' What else do we get?' And after their long list came to an end , Madiha asked them one more question , 'What do we give them so that they become tree? Maryam and Hannaan looked at each other before answering water.

Madiha smiled at them as she said ,' So we only give water to trees and trees gives us back so many things, right! .Maryam and Hannaan nodded in approval. Duas for others are just like trees ,we only make dua but that dua grows out like a tree to give us so many things in return. Because when you make dua for someone else you stand in front of ALLAH SWT not as a taker but a giver of the most precious thing you can give to anyone i.e dua.ALLAH SWT is AL- LATIF ,....kind ,loving and merciful and when HE sees HIS servant showing kindness ,love and mercy to others without them knowing ,HE elevates the servant in HIS rank of beloveds and gives him/her much more he/she had asked for others in the both worlds .Moreover, when you make dua for others Angels say ameen to your dua and prays for you ,so don't you want Angels to pray for you and to become ALLAH SWT's beloveds. Both grinned & nodded vigorously & rushed to make a new dua list. While Madiha reclined back to have her soul temporarily taken to her RAB.

Soft touch on her shoulder made Madiha wake up to see Yusuf who looked exhausted because of his incessant work meetings waking her up for zuhr Salah. Then only zealous Maryam and Hannaan came with their new dua list .Madiha sat up to see Maryam's list and was all enarmoured by her cute duas for others .She hugged Maryam and kissed her lovingly .As she looked next to her,she found Yusuf laughing while handing her Hannaan duas list. She quizzically looked at him but as she read the first dua of Hannaan "pray for Nanu to have his hair back" she also couldn't hold her laugh. Hannaan looked innocently at his  laughing parents and her sister who had also started laughing after reading his list.
When Madiha asked him in between her laugh that why did he wrote that dua. He innocently answered, ' Because Nanu always says he was very handsome when he had hair and he also keeps a comb when he has no hair.So I thought he must be missing his hair so much so that's why I wrote it ' . All three of them looked lovingly at him when Yusuf pulled him on his lap to finally explain his little son the mystery of his Nanu's comb which is meant for his beard not for his hairs before they went to offer their zuhr Salah.

This Ramadaan let's make a most successful investment of our life....let's become giver of duas only to become a taker of unlimited blessings of AR- RAHMAN SWT.🌳🥀



A new chapter. Hope you will all like it.

Faqat e Abd

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🥀

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