The Wisdom of a Butterfly

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She walked with grace,
Oblivious to competition and worldly race.

Marvelling in her verdurous world
But something happened that made her reserved,
From being unconcerned to concerned.

She was told ,' O Pillar you have changed ,you are not what you used to be,
How did you become so fat and ugly.

O Pillar ! How crestfallen thou felt,
But didn't thou know from the world, it's only heartbreaks you get.

Thus, she desperately tried to be how she was ,
Alas! It was an improbable task.

Wrapping herself in threads of negativity,
Cocoon became her entity.

Process was long but she was released,
Hoping her changed self will make others please.

But she was told,' O Butter! You have changed ,you are not what you used to be,
How did you become so black and weak.

Again heartbroken she felt,
O poor Butter! didn't thou learn, from the world it's only heartbreaks you get.

Finally, realisation of dawn took place,
Eradicating the night of hopelessness and letting the understanding of acceptance prevail

She realized,
Beauty is not a quantity to be measured,
It's a feeling that needs to be treasured.

Seeking defection is world's fortè,
Thus ,abandoning pleasing the world,she seeked her own pathway.

Love thyself ,you are perfect in every way,
Thats what she now portrayed,
As she flew carefree and unfraid.


Don't ever let the world let you doubt on the beauty given to you by AL MUSSAWWIR .☘️

Before closing the chapter ,please perform one task....recite Alhamdulilah atleast 30 times

Do remember me and entire ummah in your precious duas

Faqat e abd e AR RAHMAN

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.....🦋

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