A Tale of a Leaf

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As I hunged parched and pale,
With very few breaths left for me to take ,
But this is not how began my tale .
I opened my eyes to the world as a mere twig ,
Another new member of a tree; huge and big .
The branch on which I lurched ,
Had many other members some old ,some new ,and some waiting to get emerged .
With time ,acquaintances became soul friends ,
Promising to be there till the end .
But promises were destined to be broken !
Thus many left us only with their memories as token. .
Strengthening our hearts, us embarked ,
To fulfill the obligation ,the purpose of our creation ,
To serve  Ashraful makhulookat, the noblest of all creation ,
& To show our love and dedication,
Towards our MAKER   .

Working day and night,
Bearing flowers and fruits, a source of delight ,
To sublunary lot ,
Some grateful & some not,
But in young years I was often intrigued by a thought !
When they praised fruits and flower ,
Glorifying the Lord' s power .
Did they meant us too?
But this naivety of mine came to an end soon .
As to get praised was not why I existed ,
A sign of HIS love and mercy to man was why I created .

I was meant to give and give ,
Until my last breath ,until I lived .
I was just a green speck in the verdurous world ,
My existence  unknown and will die unheard .
But my Rab is AL AALEEM ,
And I have heard people speak .
("Wama tasqutu illah ya' loomu ha")
Not a leaf falls but HE knows it ,
And I couldn't resist ,
but be happy and rejoiced cause of this,
My lord knows me....oh what a  euphoric bliss ,
All my life ,I have danced to the hymns of praise of  lord by wind ,
& Now dancing and praising HIM is how I want my end. .
As I will fall and become a part of dust ,
And might under some foot get crushed. .
But this not a tale of tragedy,
Story of content and love it is actually !
I was just a mere leaf ,
Fluttering between believe and disbelieve ,
But my Rab who is AR RAHMAN- AR RAHEEM ,
Has always been merciful to me .
Whether it was shower of heavenly water ,
When the world got hotter .
Or warm touch of sunrays ,
When winter had long stays,
And  so much more and so many ways ,
HE consistently  blessed me
And when now my end I see
I hope I have made HIM pleased,
And  before my last breath is released,
I pray that this mere leaf ,
Is among those who believed. .


I am a nature lover .And everytime I see it I find it beautiful ( waise everyone finds nature beautiful ) ....khair ....what I mean, for me nature is not just the beautiful scenery of hill stations or any exotic places but different trees outside my house or birds flying about or the sky and its changing variant colours cloaks..etc etc..all leave me in trance and resonates only one thought that how can something be this beautiful if it would have been oblivious of its CREATOR. Thus a attempt of what I think a leaf would feel for our RABBI🌿

Do remember me and entire ummah in your duas

Faqat e abd e AR RAHMAN

Assalamuaalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🍂

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