MARYAM SERIES : Chapter 12

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Familiarity with one' s own world often makes us oblivious that our world could be not that familiar to the spectator of another world. And that's what Maryam experienced when her friend Jyotsana asked the reason behind her wearing hijab as while Sumaiyya and Mehwish didn't wore any. For Maryam hijab was not a novel concept, she had seen her mother wearing one since she can remember ,& being a hard core fan of her mother, wearing hijab was quite natural to her to the extent she even thought of wearing Abaya now like her mother. But today Jyotsana ' s question made the bubble of her world to open a bit and what was now until today a natural thing ,was now surrounded with why's and what's .

In the bedroom ,Madiha was listening to Hannaan recitation of 30th Parah of Quran who despite Madiha's dissuasion was again wearing his dad' s big head cap because it made him feel he was like his dad and Yusuf was also no help in convincing him instead he felt exalted at the love of his little admirer. Hannaan was reading with his full forehead submerged in cap making difficult for Madiha to hold her laugh, when Maryam entered the room looking all blank ...a expression that has been on her face since Jyotsana asked the question on the phone. She sat next to her mother leaning her body towards Madiha action she always happen to do when she would get anxious. Madiha quickly took her in embrace knowing full well Maryam's symbolic gesture of anxiety. Hannaan too stopped recitation of Quran and looked over at his sister with his hand on his head as the cap had started slipping over his eyes as he looked up.

Madiha made Maryam to look up in her embrace,& lovingly stroking her face she asked ," What happened to my baby ? Why does she look so sad?". "Mamma ,why do we have to wear hijab ?Maryam asked .Madiha smiled and answered ," Because ALLAH SWT asked us to do so."  " But why don't men cover up ?why only us?" Maryam asked eagerly. Madiha wasn't shocked at her question rather she had always thought of teaching Maryam the value of hijab before she could start wearing hijab but when she herself complacently started wearing them ,Madiha thought maybe Maryam was not like her as she had someone to look up to while Madiha had no one in her family that could motivate her .But she was wrong because it's not about having someone to look up to but doubts and questions comes to exist in every soul like a cloud until removed by the wind of knowledge and guidance ,so we get to see light in a new clearer perspective ,understanding it's vitality...thereby moving a step closer towards HIS Noor .

Madiha made Maryam to sit in front of her ,& lovingly holded Maryam's hands in hers as she began ,"Well ,men too have their hijabs and before women were commanded to do purdah , ALLAH SWT commanded men to lower their eyes. But the instruction of purdah ,you know ,were among the last instructions given to us as the ummah of our  Prophet .And people mostly women see it as an instruction only making it sound like some oppressive protocol but in reality it's love of AR-RAHMAN SWT towards us to make us feel special and make us know what status we as women hold in Islam." Maryam looked quizzically at her mother .Smiling at Maryam's confused expression Madiha resumed speaking, "Yes, you see Arabs were barbaric people in every way and specially towards their women ,every evil we see today in society towards women were present in Arab society from female infanticide to abuse of every kind....they thought women to be inferior to men ..a thinking we can even find today .But Islam is against this ,our Prophet tried to teach people about humility and status of women to people but ALLAH SWT ' s one instruction of purdah just paved the way to make people understand what status ALLAH SWT wants people to hold of women .Do you know what status ALLAH SWT gave us with the one instruction of purdah?" Maryam nodded in negative with avidity in her eyes.

"You see there is tendency in us humans that whatever is precious to us we tend to hide it in order to protect it money we keep it in wallets ,purses ,lockers and what not ....because losing it will cause a heavy loss & it's essential to survive. Even  the Nature hides the precious gems like pearls ,diamonds ,gold ,platinum etc in it's womb and man has to excavate and work harder in order to get it & roots which is so important for plants to grow are also covered under the soil. So when ALLAH SWT gave the instruction of purdah to women HE wanted people to understand that women are  precious as the gems hidden in the Nature & as nurturing and essential as roots hidden in soil. And if they mistreat women and not give them their due respect and honour then they will suffer a huge loss in both the worlds. And women are not inferior but rather they are princesses of Islam & as princess they are not available to everyone but only selected few whom ALLAH SWT thought worthy of her .And when women does purdah for ALLAH SWT ' s sake then she stands as a woman whose heart reside in deen not duniya...thereby standing as a precious gem who can only be acquired when a person excavate harder in his Sirat of pleasing AR RAHMAN SWT" .Seeing beaming face of Maryam, Madiha knew she was going in right direction as she continued. "  You see hijab protect us not only from evil eyes and  but also ALLAH SWT wanted to protect us from becoming slaves of the ever changing beauty standards of society , so by doing purdah we shun the fashion of the world because who cares  about fashion of this world when our RAB is AL- MUSAWWIR( The Fashioner)"

"So now do you understand my princess of Islam why we wear hijab and do purdah?" Madiha asked wiggling her eyebrows at Maryam. Maryam giggled as she embraced her mother & nodded vigorously in response. Madiha embraced her back & lovingly kissed Maryam's hair as she spoke ," Remember this Maryam ,when we wear hijab and do purdah for the sake of ALLAH SWT then it does not remain a piece of cloth but rather it stands as an open declaration of love towards AR RAHMAN SWT and never ever be ashamed of showing love to HIM...Who loves you the way no one can ever love you ." " Yes Mamma " Maryam replied as she snuggled more in her mother 's embrace.

Madiha lovingly patted Maryam' s head but as she looked right she giggled seeing Hannaan's head cap replaced by his own version of hijab from her dupatta .Listening to her mother 's giggle Maryam also looked sideways and also joined her mother in laughing. Getting an unexpected reaction from his mother & sister ,Hannaan frowned and puffing his cheeks he stomped out of the room only to be followed by Madiha and Maryam and their coaxing words. Yusuf who was involved with office work on his laptop in the drawing room looked up as he heard the commotion & couldn't help but be amused by it. Hannaan came and embraced his father as he complained about his mother & sister. Smiling & then faking an angry tone ,Yusuf asked Madiha & Maryam ," why were you both laughing at my son ?" ,making them more amused with his unsuccessful fake anger tone. But before they could reply Hannaan spoke up, " Mamma & Aapi have been laughing since they saw me wearing hijab." Yusuf pressed his lips together to stop his laugh as he asked , " Ya Hannaan ,but why are you wearing hijab? ."Because Mamma was telling Aapi that girls wear hijab because they are princess of Islam I thought if I will wear a hijab I will become Prince of Islam!!",Hannaan replied earnestly ,making all three of them chuckle at his cute logic while Hannaan looked quizzically at them. Ruffling his hairs Yusuf said, " Hannaan you don't need to wear a hijab like your Mamma & Aapi to become Prince of Islam because ALLAH SWT gave us the privilege to become something that is better than being a prince and you know what that is being warrior Feesabilillah and to become this all we have do is protect our imaan, follow the words of Quran & Sunnahs of our Prophet and protect the princesses of Islam".Yusuf smiled seeing Hannaan grinning at him . So do you want to become warrior Feesabilillah ? Yusuf asked .Hannaan nodded vigorously as he spoke, " I will protect my imaan Abbu and follow words of Quran & Sunnahs and protect all princesses of Islam." " You don't need to protect all princess right now ...start with smaller responsibility by being a protector of your Aapi " Yusuf said & beamed at him ."What about Mamma?" Hannaan innocently asked making Madiha go all gushy . " About Mamma I think right now Alhamdullilah I am enough to protect your Mamma " Yusuf said & winked at Madiha ,making Madiha glare at him but red hue on her cheeks told another story while Maryam laughed. " But Abbu , you need to apologise to Mamma & Aapi ?" Hannaan spoke seriously. Yusuf looked quizzically at his son as he asked 'why' but still knowing very well at the back of his mind that there must be some cute logic involved. " Because you scolded princess of Islam Abbu" Hannaan spoke earnestly making both Madiha and Maryam giggle . " Accha janab ar pehle complaint kisne ki thi about princesses of Islam " Yusuf asked wiggling his eyebrows .Hannaan shyly smiled and looked down. Yusuf smiled & hugged his son ,soonly joined by Madiha & Maryam.

Purdah stands for many as a sign of oppression of women,but in reality it is a gift of liberation given to women by AR RAHMAN SWT. And if we can believe in love stories where people die for one another then how can a woman covering herself in her love for her RAB becomes unbelievable & oppressive.And how can a women be oppressed in Islam whose status was raised from below the earth to so high that paradise lies at her feet.🌸


Faqat e Abd e Rahman

Assalamuaalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌸

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