Hijabi Says

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Often have I heard people talk about bad hair day,
But let me give you a glimpse of what a hijabi has to say,
When it becomes a task to make hijab stay!
On its places,
Amidst piercing and judging gazes,
It feels like a chase,
Between hijab and fingers,
Coaxing it not to commit blender.
Restricted by pins,
Yet it rebels and too petulant to listen.
Slipping down,
As if not in mood to be a crown.
Getting loose,
Every attempt to settle it ,is outrightly refused.
O how to forget,
How childish it gets,
As it sees sea shore,
Dancing vigorously to wind' s melodious lores.
With every flutter it causes heart to shake,
Fearing moment of embarrassment it might create,
Thus hands on head and chest is every photograph ' s fate.
The number of times I poked myself with pins,
To keep the hijab still,
Is beyond any thought anyone could think!
And amidst all this mess,
the so called baby hairs weren't so blameless,
As they peeked out,
Like a shy kid does when in crowd.
Then when in confines,
where there is no na mehram in sight.
The crown is alighted,
The hair nest formed is surely a sight to be frightened .
But these all are just mere trivalities,
For a hijab is not just a cloth but an attempt to please ALMIGHTY,
The crown of respect and dignity,

Reflecting whom she actually belong,
Hijab is a sign of love but often taken wrong.
As oppressive  and perpetrator of tyranny,
Oh what a irony!
As what came to give women freedom and liberty,
To curb down their misery and enunciate their vitality,
To elevate their status from laywomen to princess,
How one could thought that such women were orthodox and helpless.
As my body ,face and head covered & hidden,
Depicting the castle of comfort not a prison.
Liberating from societal norms and trends,
I' d  rather stand as different.
Then to be slave of  capricious beauty standards  and nudity ,
I'd rather be known for my intellectual than beauty.
My hijab is my identity , my Rab ' s mercy,
Open declaration of love, it is actually.
Hijab makes me feel like a pearl with it being my protective shell,
A barrier between me and scorching Hell.


Do share your views what is hijab to you.🌿

And before ending recite Subhan ALLAH atleast 30 times ...with a thought that HE is perfect and so HIS plan ...so whatever you are going through is just a part of AR RAHMAN SWT 's perfect plan ...♥️

Do remember me and entire ummah in your duas

Faqat e Abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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