Blessed thou are Night

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As the Night tip-toed into the valley,

Enveloping the world in her sparkling cloak

Musing & humming lullaby to every soul

Like governess, her appearance pervades silence

As she stroll the world in solitude ,

Sometimes near the sea-shore

Sauntering through the woods singing perhaps some folklore.

Awake while the world slept,

Often & often she wept

But it was not the solitude that made her cry,

As often the tears are symbol of joy.

With patience she waited as time galloped to that hour

When Al-KHALIQ descends to the lowest heaven,

So that HIS servants could ask and be forgiven

An hour when love and care bloomed in the air,

Declaration of love made in silent whispers & tears & HIS ever embracing mercy & care,

A time when HIS servants lay bare

Their hearts to their RAB with no layer &  fear
To be judged.

As the world submerged,
In his love & mercy

Night was the spectator of this pure ectasy.

Europhic, delighted, elated  she remains,

As it was not in the candescent light of day,
When life oozes,breathes & play

Of which day prides,

But it is in the dead darkness of Night

Is when her RAB oblige,

To make her witness of love.

That love, which only purifies,

O' how blessed thou are Night ,

to be a witness of love

That entire universe glorifies.

Bismillah .

My first poem of this book.🌿
Do remember me & ummah in your duas.

Faqat e Abd e Rahmana
Assalamuaalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🥀

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