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Guilt was the colour that painted the horizon of Madiha's consciousness this morning .The fact that her so called short nap after Tahajjud  had resulted her waking up just few minutes before fajr and therefore their suhoor just being sips of water had submerged her in the chasm of remorse. She wasn't concerned about her or Yusuf but her centre of concern was Maryam .Even the comforting words of Yusuf ("it isn't only your duty to wake everyone up for suhoor" )couldn't provide her relief .It was one of the Madiha's flaws that once she had sailed her ship of thoughts into the sea of regret it was very difficult to bring her ship of thoughts back on land. Thus to compensate for missed suhoor Madiha had planned a scrumptious iftaar and dinner and was deeply involved in it's preparation along with her adhkaar.

While missed suhoor made Madiha feel guilty there was a different colour that stained Maryam's behaviour ,the colour of rudeness. Madiha had noticed how Maryam often used to get rude with Hannaan during their fights but she had ignored them but today the level of her rudeness was way too high as she fought with Hannaan .But Madiha still ignored it thinking lack of food was the cause. But Maryam 's way of talking with her friend Sumaiyya and her rude way of explaining the real meaning of recitation of Quran was far beyond her endurance. Thus teaching bad effects of rudeness to her daughter was added in her today's menu.

Madiha had asked Maryam to fill the water bottles although she had decided of not taking any help from her today but the lesson that she had to teach Maryam demanded it. As Maryam started to fill the bottle she noticed the water was leaking from the bottle's bottom. She called her mother to show it. Madiha acting as if she didn't knew went to her and as she looked at the bottle she said, " Do you know Maryam it reminds me of someone. Do you know who? ". Maryam nodded in negative & inquisitively looked at her mother ." It reminds me of you" Madiha said shocking Maryam. " Because water in this bottle are just like the good deeds you do Maryam..praying ,fasting helping me etc but just as the bottle having a hole at its bottom causes all the water slowly slowly leak away similarly your rudeness will  leak away all your good deeds you do ,no matter how much you do, in the end you will be left with none ".Maryam looked at her mother with horror as tears starts bubbling in her eyes.

Madiha cupped Maryam's face as she spoke ," But you know ,unlike this bottle which cannot be mended ,you can mend the mistakes ,you can enclose the hole because unlike the creator of this bottle, your CREATOR is all loving ,kind ,forgiving ....He is AL -GHAFOOR...HE knows HIS servants would HE keeps the door of forgiveness always open, always ready to forgive HIS servants instantly, all a servant needs is to repent. And ALLAH SWT says in Quran ," InnalAllaha yu'hibul tawa'been meaning I am in love with those who repent ".Isn't it beautiful....HE says ' I ' as a direct address to HIS servants in particular & at the same time in general & also to intensify the meaning of  repentance. See Maryam ,our RAB does not leave us even when we sin but rather HE says HE loves us ,all we have to do is repent.Drying her tears off Madiha lovingly said, " It's okay if you made a mistake, we all do ,but it's only a good believer that repents to ALLAH SWT & the people he/ she has hurt ".

"So isn't my Maryam a good believer ?" Madiha asked smilingly. Maryam nodded her head as she embraced her mother. " So you are gonna apologise to Sumaiyya ,Hannaan and ALLAH SWT and be grateful to him " Maryam sniffed & nodded her head in her mother's embrace. As Madiha was consoling Maryam, she looked up to see Yusuf standing at the door beaming at her. Madiha mouthed "JazakAllahu khair" for his ingenious idea of leaking which he started straightening his collar making Madiha beamed back at him.

Late at night, after apologies , iftaar ,ibadah and dinner , to everyone and specifically Hannaan's delight they had a video call from Yusuf's sister Shamsa and her adorable triplets Aabaan, Rizwaan and Rafay.The call provided Hannaan a perfect opportunity to show his best friends/cousins his new magic trick of vanishing water from bottle ,while the triplets were all enchanted by their magician brother .Yusuf ,Madiha & Maryam beamed at each other knowing the exact 'loop-hole ' of the magic trick.

Heart and tongue are reflection of each other. Our heart is reflected in our speech and vice versa .A believer must learn to tame these wild horses & one way to achieve this..
is consistent repentence .Let our tongues be not swords that pierce hearts that belong to ALLAH SWT . So this Ramadaan let our ' R ' of rudeness be replaced by ' R ' of repentance.🌸🌿


Do remember me and ummah in your duas.

Faqat Abd e RAHMAN,

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuhu🌸

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