Part 15

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Khushi was rushing in the kitchen so she could finish cooking for Anjali before she left for work. Anjali was discharged from the hospital two days after as she started feeling better, but she had been advised complete rest so she had to be home.

"Here, eat and take cake, I really have to rush now, I'm getting late." Khushi said as she placed the plate in front of Anjali.

"You know you don't have to cook for me, the servants are there." Anjali smiled at her.

"I know, I just want to. You need someone to cook you food with love so you can heal quickly." Khushi smiled as she waved her a goodbye and rushed out in a hurry, she grabbed her things and headed to work.

"Good morning." Arnav greeted Anjali as he walked downstairs and found her seated in the hall eating.

"I'm sorry I over slept, but you should have waited, I told you I would cook for you, you dint have to tell the servants to do it. you know I like doing everything for you when you aren't well." Arnav said as he sat down beside her.

"It's okay Arnav, Khushi cooked for me before she left." Anjali smiled.

"Oh." Arnav just looked at her awkwardly, he dint know what more to say.

"I told you before, I'm telling you again, she is the girl you can fall for, you just need to see how good she is." Anjali said.

"It's difficult to see the good when the bad is right in front of your eyes."

"What is it Arnav, what might have she done to have you hate her so much?" Anjali asked.

"Can we please talk about something else? I don't want to discuss this." Arnav said not wanting to ruin things for Anjali, Anjali had seen a lot of things from a different perspective than he had, and he dint want to ruin it for her, not when she had a couple months or less to live.


"Hi Rohan." Khushi smiled as she walked into Rohan's cabin, pulled out a chair and settled down.

"I was just waiting for you, we have a lot of work to do remember?" He smiled.

"I know, I have to get rich." Khushi laughed.

"Great, so today we are going to start a new company, your company." Rohan said excitedly.

"What? So soon? I mean don't you think I need to learn a lot before starting a new company? I don't even have enough money to start a company." Khushi looked at Rohan nervously.

"I know, but the two days you dint come, I was giving this a thought, and I thought maybe we could start a new company together, I mean as partners, I can invest right now in the beginning and once we start making money, I take back all the investment and then we're equal.

You learnt all you had to in school, the rest I am there for you. That's why I thought it would be better if we were partners so I could be there to help whenever needed. And if in the future you feel like you need the company to yourself, we can make a deal." He suggested.

"It sounds good but scary. Plus why would you want to take such a big risk for me?" Khushi asked.

"I see you still don't trust me enough." Rohan said.

"It's not that Rohan, just that you are helping me so much, it's very rare of anyone to help someone so much unless they are close relatives or something. Plus I've told you a lot about me but yet I don't know a thing about you. I can't trust you unless you create it right?" Khushi said.

"You have a point. Okay I'll tell you why I'm helping you and you have to promise me you won't show any kind of pity on me or anything." Rohan said.

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