Part 24

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"Hey." Khushi greeted Rohan as she walked inside his house, Rohan was seated in the hall busy staring at his phone when she walked in.

"Khushi! What a pleasant surprise." Rohan smiled as he stood up and greeted her with a hug. They both sat down on the sofa after that, Rohan put his phone aside and looked at her curiously.

"So, what brings you here? If it's work related let me remind you it's a Sunday, you should rest." He smiled.

"No, it's not work related. I just... I wasn't feeling okay so I thought I'd pay you a visit, it distracts my mind."

"From Arnav?"

"Yeah. I don't get it, it's been a while, I haven't seen him, I haven't talked to him or anything, then why can't I stop thinking about him. I always see how easily people move on in movies, why is it so difficult in real life?"

"Movies are just acts, nothing is real."

"How do you do it Rohan? Doesn't it hurt? Loving someone you know you might never see again?" Khushi looked at him curiously.

"Not really. I mean yes in the beginning it did, a lot, but I can assure you, with time it gets better, you just accept stuff and try to move on." He smiled.

"So you are trying to move on?"

"No, I don't want to move on, if there's ever going to be any girl in my life, then it's going to be her or else I'm good this way. You see for me it's different, I haven't moved on because I don't want to, and if you haven't moved on from Arnav, it's maybe because you're just lying to yourself that you want to move on but deep down you don't.

Moving on isn't as difficult, once you are sure it's the only thing you want it happens, but if even a tiny part of you doesn't want it, then it's the most difficult thing in the world." He sighed.

"What else can I do to make it easier?"

"Maybe meet someone new, go out on dates with some guys. You see Arnav has been the perfect man for you since childhood, you haven't really given any other man a chance, maybe if you do that, and you find the right man that treats you way better than Arnav did, it will make a lot of difference in your life."

"I don't even know any men apart from him and you, besides I'm not even sure I want to feel the way I felt for him for anyone else."

"You see that's the problem, as long as you wouldn't want to feel that way about someone else, I'm sorry to say but those feelings about Arnav are going to be stuck with you forever Khushi. So it's upon you to decide what you want."

"Maybe I could try to go on a date or something with a guy so I can know if I am capable of it, but I don't even know anyone to try it."

"Haven't you ever just passed around a guy or just seen a guy somewhere that got you curious or looked interesting?" Rohan asked.

"Well yesterday at the hotel, there's this guy that passed by me, I couldn't see his face or anything, I just saw him from the back, he had long hair and a good body." She giggled.

"Well maybe we might find him again someday, or if we don't, we can look around to find a guy that suits you." Rohan laughed making her laugh too, but it just lasted a moment and she was back to being sad again.

"Look at me really trying to think of guys or trying to find an interesting guy when deep down I know, I'll always love him. I don't want to always love him Rohan but since childhood, it's just been him, how do I get rid of those feelings."

"Don't worry Khushi, one day you will." He smiled faintly as he put his arm around her, she just nodded and rested her head on his shoulders sadly.

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