Part 18

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Three months later...

Khushi was seated in her cabin reading some documents that needed her signatures when Rohan walked in smiling brightly.

"What makes you so happy?" Khushi asked, Rohan pulled out a chair and sat in front of her, he wouldn't stop smiling.

"I have some good news."

"Is that so? I'm all ears."

"We got our first huge payment, you know what that means?"

"I can finally get a house of my own and also start my own small tiny office." Khushi stood up excitedly. She couldn't believe it was happening, that too this soon but all thanks to Rohan who already had a lot of experience in this business and he did help her a lot, she know she hadn't gone as big yet but she had really worked hard, day and night to get here, this was just a start, she knew one day she was going to get bigger.

"Oh My God Rohan, I never thought I could do this." Khushi hugged him happily with tears of joy in her eyes.

"Of course you could, you haven't slept well in the past three months, you were here, day and night, working so hard, it had to happen." Rohan smiled at her as he broke the hug.

"Honestly half the reason I worked day and night was because I dint want thoughts about Arnav to disturb me, any moment I'd be free, he would pop up in my mind. I am so fed up." She shrugged as she sat down once again.

"Maybe you should talk to him, try to clear his misunderstanding."

"If he valued me enough, he would have asked me instead of jumping to conclusions Rohan, I am not going to try to get back a man that wouldn't respect me."

"I get your point Khushi, but you know whatever he thinks it's because it actually happened, just in ways he dint see."

"I still don't care. He should have asked me, I was his wife, not a stupid toy." Khushi said angrily.

"Okay fine, calm down. How about we go see your apartment, maybe that will cheer you up." Rohan smirked.

"What? You found me an apartment already?"

"Well I had it in mind for a while but I dint want to tell you about it until we received the payment and now that we have, we can go see it, if you like it then we can get you settled down."

"I can't wait to have my own home. Honestly Rohan, I have no idea what I would have done without you."

"Okay enough of being emotional, let's get going." Rohan stood up from his chair and walked outside as Khushi carried her bag and followed him.


Rohan pushed the door open and let Khushi walk in first, she looked at the apartment and somehow just know this was it, this was going to be her home. It wasn't as big as a mansion of course, but that wasn't what she was looking for anyway, she just wanted a beautiful apartment where she would live on her own and this was it.

It was in beautiful shades of white and grey, the main hall had huge glass windows from where you could actually view the whole city. It consisted of three bedrooms and one guest room which were huge too.

The furniture and the interiors were just of perfect match, it was difficult to describe in words how beautiful it was actually.

"I love it, but don't you think it's a bit too big for me?" Khushi asked Rohan once they were done taking the tour.

"I live in a whole huge mansion all alone and you find this big for you? You are funny Khushi." Rohan laughed.

"I mean of course, what's the use of three bedrooms if I'm going to live here all alone."

"Then maybe you can find someone to live with you as a paying guest or something, that way you won't be alone too, trust me it's going to be great if you find a good person to live with you." Rohan suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea, I think then this is it, this my new home." Khushi smiled.

"Great, I'll talk to the broker and get you the papers of purchase, you can shift anytime you want."

"I'll also start looking for a paying guest." Khushi smiled excitedly, she walked towards the huge glass windows in the hall and looked outside, she wished she could bring her father here to see what she had achieved, but she hadn't even told him yet about her split with Arnav, she was too scared on how he was going to take the news.

All she did was visit him often so he wouldn't think of visiting her in the Raizada mansion otherwise he would figure it out when he dint find her there, she knew she had to tell him about it one day, she was just too scared to do it.

Just as she was thinking about her father, her phone rang and it was a call from him, she took a deep breath before receiving it.

"Hello dad."

"Are you okay Khushi, I just heard the news, why dint you inform me. I'm sorry I'm out of town or I would come immediately. How is Arnav holding up? I know it must have been really hard for him, I just met Anjali last week and she looked fine, it happened so suddenly I can't believe she is no more."

Khushi was left shocked at the words of her father, Anjali had passed away? When? What was she supposed to say now?

"I'm sorry dad, it's just been too overwhelming." Khushi said as tears rolled down her eyes, she might have had her problems with Arnav but she never had any with Anjali, she did love her a lot, and it was sad to know that she was no more.

"Can I call you later dad please?"

"Yeah, I get it, you have to be with Arnav, I'll try to get back as soon as I can, please take care of him, he must be broken."

"I will dad." Khushi said as she disconnected the call and turned around to look at Rohan who was standing behind her.

"What happened Khushi?" he asked.

"Its... Anjali. She... passed away. I need to go." She said as she rushed out of the apartment and headed downstairs straight, Rohan just ran behind her wondering where she was going.

"Can you please take me to Raizada mansion?" She asked him wiping the tears off her eyes but more kept on falling.

"Sure." Rohan nodded, they both got into the car as he drove her to the Raizada mansion as quick as he could.

Once they were there he parked the outside as Khushi rushed out in a hurry.

"Thank you Rohan, I'll get back with a taxi later." Khushi said to him.

"I can come along." Rohan suggested.

"No. Arnav had lost someone he loved a lot, I don't want him thinking nonsense about us or anything at such a time, I hope you understand."

"I do." Rohan nodded as he reversed the car and drove away while Khushi rushed inside the Raizada mansion, she dint even know when this happened, was Arnav here or in the hospital with Anjali?

There was an ambulance outside the mansion so most probable they were going to be here.

She rushed inside the mansion and the first person she saw was Arnav, he was kneeling on the floor with tears in his eyes, Anjali was nowhere to be seen.

"Arnav." Khushi called out his name, he looked towards her and then stood up immediately as he rushed to her and hugged her as he broke down into tears.

"She left me Khushi... She left me all alone." He cried as Khushi tried to console him but how could she, she was also sad, they had lost a person they both loved. This was going to be really difficult.

The Irony Of FateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora