Part 27

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It had been two days since Arnav and Khushi had the talk and they cleared their misunderstandings, after Arnav left from Khushi's place that day, he made quite a few changes in his life. First thing first, he got a haircut and got back to what his hair was originally like, he shaved off his long beard and groomed up once again.

He had been so mad at himself since he found out Khushi's version of the truth, he couldn't just believe that he punished her so badly for something she had never done. When he looked back at just the first week of their marriage, the way she had been so innocent, just asking for tiny gestures that could make her feel loved and instead he gave her the most horrible experience of her life, he felt like punching himself in the face for it.

Anjali had always been right about Khushi, she was a great person, she was the perfect girl for him, he just took forever to notice it, and now that he had noticed it, it was too late.

He kept on staring outside at the clear sky from the window of his room feeling guilty as hell, for the past two days, the thoughts kept recurring in his mind and he hated himself for being so heartless.

If currently he was feeling so much pain realizing how he had treated her, he couldn't imagine the pain she must have gone through when it happened to her, seeing all her dreams get shattered by the man she loved.

"Why Arnav why!" He punched the wall angrily.

This guilt was just eating him up, he couldn't stop thinking about Khushi and how hurt she was and it was all because of his stupid misunderstanding, he should have known better.

"You were right Anjali, she was the perfect girl ever, she was the only girl that could love me like you did and would have been there for me after you left, but I pushed her away. You were right when you said that she was the girl I could fall for because I did.

Despite all the hatred I had for her, she somehow managed to create a soft corner in my heart, she managed to make me fall in love with her, and the funny part is, I can't tell her that now, because I clearly don't deserve her." He fell down on his knees as he tried really hard not to cry, he had been such a strong person always, the only time he remembered crying was when his mother left and then when Anjali left.

But today, he felt so broken, he felt like crying out loud because he was in love with a girl he never deserved, because he treated her like crap and did everything he could to get rid of her, and he dint deserve forgiveness for what he did.

Look at the irony of fate, he had fallen in love with the girl that he was so adamant on getting rid of, and when he got rid of her was when he realized how much he loved her.

It was true wasn't it, too often we don't realize the importance of something until it's gone.

Deep down he always knew he had started liking her, and he knew he was in trouble after they got separated. Not one of his days had passed without him thinking of her and wondering what she was doing, or if she was okay or not.

Not one day had passed without him hoping that someday, he was going to meet her again, and when he did, the peace he felt inside his heart was enough to make him realize the truth, the truth that he was in love with the girl he had hated all this while.

He just dint want to accept it, why would he fall for someone he hated right? It just dint make sense. It wasn't possible.

But well, fate played its game, he did fall for her, even when Rohan asked him that day, he knee that he was in love with her, he just dint let himself admit it.

He knew how much strength it must have taken for Khushi to make the decisions she made, for her to finally move on in life and start a fresh, she deserved this fresh start, she deserved to move on and he wasn't going to pull her back from any of it by telling her how he felt towards her.

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