Part 25

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There was a long silence before any of them could actually manage to say something, they all just kept looking at each other in shock not knowing how to react or what to say about this situation. After what seemed like forever though, Rohan was the first one to break the silence.

"Can we talk?" He looked at Tara who seemed uncomfortable like she dint know what to say. She just kept opening her mouth and shutting it over and over again not knowing what to answer.

"Okay." She finally nodded, she stepped back inside as Rohan looked at Khushi for a moment and then followed Tara inside, she led him to her bedroom so they could have some privacy.

"I dint mean to... I mean... Oh God! I just left my keys and phone here so I came to get them back." Arnav said as he looked at Khushi nervously, it was strange that the girl he had hated his entire life was the same girl to make him so nervous.

"What are you keys doing in my apartment?"

"Tara invited me for dinner, we're friends. I dint know you stayed here, if I knew I wouldn't come, I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing Arnav, you are friends I get it... it's okay." Khushi shrugged.

He nodded as they both looked at each other for a few more minutes awkwardly, was this really ever going to stop being awkward?

"Would you like to come in? We can't stand out here forever?" Khushi asked, he nodded immediately as the both walked inside and sat down on the sofa in the hall.

"So... how have you been?" Arnav asked.

"I've been good, work keeps me busy..." Khushi replied.


"So, why did you ignore me when I called you out downstairs?" Khushi asked.

"I just dint have the strength to face you. It's been tough, since Anjali left and you left... I just... sorry I wasn't here to complain, I'll take my keys and leave." He stood up and started looking around for hey keys.

"I can listen Arnav, if you need someone to talk to about anything... I'm here. I mean I know how the past had been, but if you need a friend I'm here to listen. I am not that heartless." Khushi said.

"You aren't, but I am Khushi. It's just difficult to face you knowing what I had done to you in the past, I was so terrible to you and look at you, you're still being nice to me... why?" he asked.

"Because I believe in helping people and listening to their problems, it makes a difference in their lives, just because things between us weren't better doesn't mean I won't try to help you.

Look at you Arnav, you've changed so much. The Arnav I was married to, was always well groomed, always confident, sometimes too overconfident and so strong, and right now, there's not even one quality about the Arnav I knew left in you.

You have this long hair for God knows what reason, your dressing style had changed, you've lost weight... I think you need help, all you have to do is ask."

"How do you do it Khushi, how can you be nice to me after everything that I did?"

"That's who I am as a person Arnav, I don't hate people, not even when they do me wrong."

"But you can do them wrong? You know you could have saved us both this misery if you just hadn't... I can't stop thinking about it Khushi, it haunts me, every day of my life, I thought we ended it on a good note, I asked for forgiveness and I was going to be okay but I haven't been okay.

I just keep asking myself questions every day, I keep wondering what happened to the Khushi I knew in childhood, I keep wondering how things would have been different."

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