16. Mehndi & Dark Colours

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Today was the mehndi ceremony. Everyone was running around to add the final touches to the decorations so that in the evening the could get ready without hassle. The lawn would be reserved for the women while inside for the men. The huge lawn was decorated with clourful streamers. Huge vases made of white clay were put all around and had the most gorgeous bouquets of white and red roses placed in them. Fairy lights of the softest gold hue were wrapped around them. A carpet was laid out from the entrance to the backyard till the point from where the wooden stage began. The stage was made of dark chocolate coloured wood with glass on top of it. It was surrounded by four beautifully decorated pillars each having a heater on top of them. In front of the stage, was a raised platform with cushions for the bride and her mother's to sit on. Right behing the main stage and the birde's sitting area were huge tables with vessels in which the food would be put in.

Meanwhile, their house had been decorated with equal taste. From lights enough to light up the dark December sky to the regal looking lamps that started from the driveway to the main door. Inside, jasmine flowers were wrapped around the beautiful staircase and on every table a huge bouquet was placed which caused the place to smell heavenly.

Earlier in the morning, the mayun ceremony of Zain and Mahrukh had been held. Where the two were applied ubtan in order to enhnace their natural glow. With Akbar not letting the chance go to waste and covering the duo in ubtan, more like giving them a bath with it. Mahrukh was wearing a sleeveless yellow coloured shalwar kameez with her hair in a bun. Once the ceremony was over, her mother took her to her room for a shower and was told by her to not come out until the Mehndi and instead to have a power nap. Downstairs, Aliya had once again reminded Zain that he could not see  Mahrukh till their baraat to which he replied
"This is unfair."
His whiny tone had everyone pull his cheeks. Who would've thought he would throw a tantrum when it came to meeting his wife.

It was the afternoon. Mahrukh had just woken up from her nap. Feeling thirsty as well as hungry, she called her father to send her mother upstairs with food. After which she fell on her bed with a thud. The entire room was bare. All her possessions had been shifted to Zain's room last night. She had kept the bare minimum in the room and this would all be taken to his room tomorrow as well. Her life would be different starting tomorrow. She would be sharing her everything with him. A bed a bathroom a closet. They were becoming one. And eventhough the idea made her all giddy and happy, she was scared for herself as well. With the major question being would she be a good wife?

Shifa entered her daughter's room with a small smile on her face. Seeing her daughter so deep in thoughts she immediately knew what Mahrukh was thinking about. She was a mother. She had been attached to the girl physically for nine months. Their bond was so strong that they were transparent to each other. Putting the heavy tray loaded with different sorts of snacks, she sat next to her daughter running her hands through her hair in order to provide comfort.

"Mahrukh my child what is the matter?" Shifa asked her daughter. She knew it was something to do with being married. Mahrukh looked at her mother and sighed before speaking
"I am leaving the life I have known for so long. I am not just changing my room but going away from everything that has been a constant. I keep thinking wether I will be a good wife or not?"
Shifa smiled at her restless daughter and kissed ger forehead before speaking
" Mahrukh you will be a great wife. You love everyone without limits. Look after them. Make sure everyone is satisfied with the work you do. Most importantly you love Zain. And that is all that matter to him and should matter to you," looking at her mother with open eyes, Mahrukh asked with a small voice
"How did you know I love him?"
Smiling at her naive daughter she just said
"A mother knows everything".
Talking to her mother reduced the burden on her heart.

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