25. Mothers & Fathers

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The clock ticked as the hands of the clock moved slowly by. The sound echoing through the silence of the dark night. The warmth of the air so delicious thanks to the burning gas heaters. Outside, the sky pelted rain with such anger that it was a sight seldom seen. The dark heavy clouds covered the stars and moon from shining their light on the dark roads for passengers to see. Other than the rain and strong roof tearing winds not a lot could be heard. It was unusual. Occasionally after a few minutes would a car pass by honking and flashing their headlights full to make sense out of what the enigma of the night was.

The enite day had passed and yet the feeling of dread covered Mahrukh's senses. She had not been able to understand what was happening. But all day long her senses were alert, she was on her toes. The natural instincts that she possessed all gave signs of something going terribly wrong. At eleven pm, Mahrukh sat on the jai namaz (prayer mat), her hands raised high in the air as tears fell non stop. The chaos in her heart not settling. Her worry never easing.
"Oh Allah! Leep my family and  I safe from evils of the night. Whatever I am feeling make it a nightmare. Help my Allah. Erase this heaviness from my chest send relief my way"
Her hands trembled as she continued to ask for forgiveness and protection. Zain looked at her, worried.

Getting off of their large bed, Zain went upto Mahrukh and sat next to her. Wrapping his muscualr arms around her shoulders, he pulled her into the warmth if his chest. Kissing the crown of her head. He sat there on the ground for a long time just holding Mahrukh waiting for her sobs to die down. Before he could speak and ask her any questions. At times you did not want to talk to someone. You just needed a shoulder to cry on. And that is what Zain was doing. Suddenly, as if a switch was clicked, her cries died down into soft whimpers. Zain continued to kisse her head and then spoke in a soft tone, one would use with a naive child.
"Mahrukh what has happened ?"
Zain's question broke Mahrukh out of her reverie. Looking at him puzzled for a few seconds before gaining control over what she was feeling, Mahrukh began in a heavy voice full of tears.
"Since the morining I have been feeling like something dreadful is about to happen. I don't know what it is. But I am just so scared. Zain please take this feeling away from me,"she said as she started to rub at her chest inorder to ease the her heart. The tears clogged her throat and she felt choked. Suffocated. Tonight even Zain's loving words were not enough.

Ya Allah Reham! (Oh Allah have Mercy!)

The night trickled by slowly. Like a drop of water leaving the tap at a turtle's pace. Mahrukh had finally slept with eyes swollen and cheeks marked with tear stains. Yet even in her dreams she was not at ease. It was not only her that felt weird. The particular night was heavy on everyone. The weird weather a great symbol how everyone was at the moment.

The thunderstorm continued with full rage, silencing all that was to be heard. Isolating each man to the confinement of their home's four walls. As the silence covered the capital city of the country like a thick blanket, a loud shout was heard from Saad and Shifa's room.
"Shifa! Shifa are you okay?"
Saad spoke almost losing his mind as Shifa continued to heave and cough blood. He had tried to call the ambulance but to his bad luck, no service could be provided immediately due to the heavy rain as it would take a long time for it to reach. And he sure as hell did not have a lot of time to spare.

Doing before thinking, Saad rushed to Zain and Mahrukh's room. Knocking on the door like a maniac. The knocks, in the silence of the night echoed and semmed ten times louder. Zain, who was having trouble sleeping opened the door and was shocked to see such a disheveled Saad standing at their door.
"Saad Chachu is everything okay?" then noticing the blood on his shirt he became alert.
"Chachu whose blood is this? Is everything alright?" Saad heaved a huge sigh and spoke brokenly
"Shifa... blood... can't breathe," the broken language was enough for Zain to put together the pieces as he instantly grabbed his car keys and followed Saad to his room.

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