21. Pregnancy Scares & Fights

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Two months into their marriage and Mahrukh could not have been happier. Sure she and Zain had little fights like that one time he would not take her to see the movie she wanted to or when he did not let her go with Akbar and Amna out to dinner claiming "you can always go with me". These past few months had led her to sweet moments. Zain was caring and loving. Sure he could be a brute or a caveman at times, but when they had gotten married, she had accepted all of his attributes. Zain was an attentive husband paying attention to all the little things Mahrukh did.

Not only Zain but Mahrukh felt as if all other relations of hers became better. She and Akbar were closer than ever and he was a person she could easily confide in. In fact, it happened many times that whenever Zain and Mahrukh had a fight Akbar would help in resolving it. Aliya and Akram had become her best friends and would help her prank Zain some times. The one person her relationship was still strained with was Amna. Having been Amna's best friend for so long and to see her over look her hurt Mahrukh. Laraib never even tried to make a good bond with Mahrukh.

The two months had flown by in a blink of the eye. Akbar and Amna along with Faheel and Ayla had celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Everyone had had so much fun and had thrown a large party for them. During which, Mahrukh had seen Laraib go out with a man. She decided to not tell anyone and only talked to her sister in law in private making her understand that if she likes someone she should tell her parents. But Laraib had brushed it off. Telling Mahrukh to mond her own business.

The particular February morning that this event happened was a warm day. Well as warm as a winter day could be. The weather was changing and so temperatures were beginning to rise. During the day you could easily survive without a thick cashmere sweater. The trees were beginning to sprout little flowers getting ready for the arrival of spring. The suburb where the villa was located, seemed to thrive with life as the insects came out of hibernation.

Mahrukh had woken up due to her alarm. She turned around to see that Zain was already gone. Which was unsual for him. Ever since they had gotten married, he would not leave without waking her up (on the days when Mahrukh had not woken up). Sitting up and grabbing her phone, in irder to call him, her phone began to ring. The caller id read Zain.
"Zain why didn't you wake me up before leaving?"
"Actually I got a sudden call from Akbar while you were sleeping. He said that he did not feel well so I should take over the meeting that he has to lead".
"Phir bhi. Jaga tou detay".
(But still. You could've woken me up)
"Sorry jaan. Ainda aisay nahi karo ga".
(Sorry life. Next time I won't do this)
"Remember your words. And best of luck".
Thanking her, Zain cut the call.

Mahrukh entered the spacious bathroom to take a bath. Filling the giant tub and pouring in some bubbles she decided to have a relaxing, self-pamper day. Something she had not done in a while. She lay inside the tub for an hour scrolling through her phone, before rinsing her body and entering her closet. Deciding to go with a basic outfit, Mahrukh wore a black Khadar suit with a red coloured organze duppata. Wrapping her hair in a low bun she headed downstairs.

Taking steps that seemed more like jumps, she made her way into the kicthen as she was famished.
"So you finally woke up?"
Amna spoke in an icy tone.
"Yes?" Mahrukh replied confused.
Not knowing what she was trying to say.
"Well then learn to wake up early. Its not other people's responsibility to look after your husband".
Mahrukh was still confused. What was wrong if she slept in for a day? And she did Zain's chores all by herself.
"What do you mean?" Asked Mahrukh.
"I MEAN TO SAY THAT YOUR MOTHER IN LAW HAD TO COOK FOR YOUR HUSBAND." This did little to solve her curiosity.
"But she is Zain's ammi. If she did cook for him what is wrong in that?"
Amna, knowing that she had created a ruckus for no reason decided to cause a rift between Aliya and Mahrukh.
"Nothing. Just that she was talking bad about you with Zainab phopho,"
and walked out of there, ruining Mahrukh's appetite. Mahrukh had lived with Aliya all her life. If there is one thing she knew about her, it was that the woman never complained about anyone. Still not wanting to cause a scene she decided to talk to Zain rather than Aliya.

MahrukhTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang