Chapter 2

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Continuation of Flashback(4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

"You're gonna regret that." He repeated with more fury swirling in his blue yes. 

Of course, it's Nathan, who thinks it's cool to mess with a girl's hijab. Nathan was a jerk who was filthy rich from his parents hotel companies. Every girl swooned over him because of his looks and his athletic ability on the field and off of it, especially in the bedroom. I feel myself puking a little repeating that but what can I say, the girls who go out with him are desperate. But girls who had brains knew that he had the personality of a rock and even THAT was an insult to rocks. He only knew how to use as many girls as possible and how to be a racist and privileged man- wait no he's no man-- BOY.

"No you're gonna regret this!" I point to my loose hijab I was infuriated.

His left hand was on his right bicep where I hit him... without thinking. His right hand immediately grabbed my left arm. My hands began to tremble. First off being this close to a male was very unusual for me hence the hijab and it was getting more and more haram as he moved closer. 

My friends started to intervene but of course his friends blocked them from approaching us. 

He grabbed my loose scarf and lightly tugged on it. "I don't know why you're so damn defensive over a bloody towel... you'll look so much hotter with it off. And those loose clothes don't do you justice." He smirked and winked at me at the last statement as if he thought I'd be turned on or even honored. He was about to put his hand on my waist when I did something unexpected.

By unexpected I mean I don't even know where this courage came from.

The things he said made me snap. His behavior was sickening and offensive. Without warning I grabbed his forearm and twisted it pushing him into his locker. I pushed him enough to make sure he got the message to back off from me but not enough to do any physical harm. 

 Everyone gasped and was so shocked. No one ever stood up to Nathan and his group of dummies. Now I know people are like "oh my god she touched a guy" but come on I'm defending myself. It's the intention that matters right? Regardless I'm probably go home and read astaghfar (a form of repentance to God).

I replied back with the same taunting voice he had, " I don't know why you're so damn annoying... you'll get so many more girls if you had an actual personality. And a brain." I threw his arm back down and winked. Let him have a taste of his own medicine. It wasn't until a good second after I realized I said a bad word. I gasped in my head. Eh whatever that guy really hit a nerve for me, I justified. 

Nathan looked up at me in more hatred then whispered to one of his friends loud enough for me to hear, "what the hell man, I thought you said she's some shy pushover." With that he gave his friend an angry shove and left.

As I was about to walk away I saw everyone's amazed faces. Out of shock Nathan's group broke up to follow him, and I could finally see Nina, Amina, and Renee. They gave me a hug and made sure I was okay. Then they asked where I got the guts to pull that stunt on a jerk like Nathan.

I shrugged, "wearing the hijab awakens a few defensive traits." 

Nina shook her head laughing, " you ,my friend are a bad ass with a good ass. And don't think I didn't notice you say 'damn' missy. She hip shoved me softly making me laugh as well.

"Yea what happened to you being a goody goody" Renee joked.

"Honestly, I don't know. That guy just triggered my fight or flight response." I sighed as I fixed my hijab.

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