Chapter 26

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A/N: I'm feeling gracious so here you go hehe

Continuation of Flashback:

Ahmed's POV:

"Where'd you guys apply?" I ask Marco and Yusuf.

We were all at Hamza's Halal Kitchen, Sairah's favorite restaurant. Obviously the girls were late... as usual.

"UCI and UCSD." Marco replies putting his phone down.

"I did UCLA, UCSD, UCI and ooh NYU!" Yusuf taps his chin in deep thought. "Wait have you guys asked the girls where they're going? I only know about Sairah's."

"Nina said she applied to the same ones as me. We're both doing business anyways." Marco shrugs.

"Sairah and I applied to the same ones except I applied to NYU, too. We both are going into medicine." I reply eating some fries.

"Oh Amina is doing medicine but I'm going to do political science." Yusuf crosses his arms behind his head. "Also dude why'd you apply to NYU?"

"Well I applied before I- you know-"

"Fell in love like a softie." Marco chimes.

"Became a hopeless romantic." Yusuf ruffles my hair. 

I slap Yusuf's hand down, "I was going to say before Sairah and I became close but yea that works, too. But, to be honest New York was always my home at least before I moved cause of-"

"I see you wasted no time in eating all the fries." Sairah narrows her eyes at me shaking her head.

I plop more fries in my mouth slowly to taunt her. "Maybe I like fries."

"Okay and?" Sairah snatches the plate playfully sitting across from me in between Nina and Amina. "Did I ask?"

I shake my head laughing. "I forgot about your attitude."

"Clearly you don't know me then." Sairah takes a sip of her root beer. 

"Oh I know you." I lean forward crosiing my arms on the table.

"Then you should know I hate sharing fries." She lets a smile play on her lips. 

"Oh I know." I tap my fingers on the table rhythmically. "I just love stealing thing from you. As payback."

Sairah raises a perfectly arched brow. "Payback for what?" She tilts her head to the side.

"For stealing my heart." I whisper smirking.

"Oh you are good." Sairah laughs then leans back against the leather seat. "But you're forgetting how much I despise pick up lines." 

"No you don't!" Amina looks at Sairah shocked.

"Yea, literally last night when we were watching--" Nina stops talking when she receives a death glare from Sairah. "Okay then." She raises her hands up in defense.

"She's right though." Yusuf nods while pointing a fry at Nina before putting it in his mouth. "Sairah acts all tough but she's the biggest romantic and soft hearted out of all of us."

"I am not!" Sairah scoffs. "Yu-seless is having memory problems as usual."

"Speaking of memory problems did  you know she cried for hours when Dory couldn't remember anything." Yusuf laughs.

"Oh shut up! I was 4!" Sairah argues and crosses her arms over her chest.

"And then whenever we'd watch disney princess movies-- which she loves by the way-"

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