Chapter 46

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Continuation of Flashback (2 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

The whole night I couldn't sleep. I was so giddy and excited about my future with Ahmed. Oh God, what would it be like? How many kids would I want to have?

I twirl the ring Ahmed gave me on my finger. I could finally wear it proudly on my finger now that my family knew about Ahmed's proposal... well the second one but they don't need to know about all of that.

I picked up the polaroid I took of Ahmed and the view and to be honest they both made feel a sense of calm. How does Ahmed make me completely crazy for him so easily? But then again he's been able to do that since high school. I couldn't wait for the day when Ahmed and I could hold each other, or when I could lean into his broad arms and inhale his strong sandalwood scent or wear his jacket when I felt cold without being questioned or randomly wake him up at 3:00 AM to look at the stars with me and take me out to have fries. God those days couldn't come any sooner!

I lay on my pillow kicking my legs on the bed just thinking about him. Does he think about me too? Does he dream- NO! Sairah stop! What the heck is your problem? Don't be one of those girls whose world revolves around a guy-- even if that guy is Ahmed.

Take him out of your mind! I shut my eyes as I try to shut Ahmed out when my phone rings. God who could it be at 2:00 AM! I sigh as I reach over to pick my phone up when I see the caller ID-- Great! Speak of the handsome devil.

"Good morning, Mrs. Badri." I hear Ahmed's voice.

"Good morning to you too Mr. Badri. And careful I still haven't made up my mind on your rather dull last name." I tease playfully.

"Ouch. Is that a threat?" He asks.

"Maybe." I sigh as I walk out onto my patio that had the perfect view of the moon and the beautiful stars that seemed to bring joy to me. "Well what's Ahmed doing up so late? Have I rubbed off on you already?"

"You rubbed off on me 2 years ago." He chuckles. "Every night I'd stay up staring at the moon in New York because it reminded me of you. So close but yet so far." His voice is a little softer now, "but I've finally got you."

I felt my breath hitch, and I tried to contain the butterflies in my stomach. "Well who said you have me?" I ask coyly with a smile playing on my lips.

"Well if I didn't have you before," I hear him sigh loudly, "then I sure do now."

"And what makes you so sure about that?" I was curious now.

"Give me a minute." He says before laughing. "Ok so don't freak out-"

"Ahmed whenever you say that-- I freak out even more!" I whine.

"Ok well trust me on this one okay?" His voice is convincing.

"Okay fine," I say as I close my eyes.

For some reason I felt some sort of sensation in my heart. Like it was as if Ahmed was near or something. Actually of course, he was-- he managed to wriggle his way into my heart.

"Ahmed?" I call out to him softly.

"Yes beautiful?" He responds almost immediately.

"Are- Okay this is going to sound dumb," I say letting out an awkward laugh, "but you- you don't happen to be in my neighborhood right now-- do you?"

There was dead silence until I heard Ahmed cough on the other end, "well Sairah do you know what today is?"

"Um today is the day you freaked me out." I respond nonchalantly. "Oh wait," I let out a fake laugh, "you do that every day!"

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