Chapter 14

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Continuation of Flashback (4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

(This takes place a month after the last chapter):

I wake up to the smell of pancakes."Mama?" I call out from my bed. I loved my mama's pancakes.

Immediately I hear footsteps. "Happy 18th birthday baby," Mama comes into my room while her eyes are all watery.

"Assalamalyakum mama." 

"Walaikum-as-salaam," she says tearing up.

Mama!" I whine. "It's not that big of a deal. Sameer, Uthman and Zara were 18 once, too you know?" I say to calm my mother down.

"I know baby, but you're the youngest and I- I-" Her voice was breaking. "I guess I can't see you grow up." She shrugs while shedding a tear.

"Mama," I hug my mother tightly. 

"I still don't see her a day over 10." Sameer came into my room with my dad and my sister. "Happy birthday baby sis."

"Sameer!" I leaped into his arms. "You came? With Amira, too?" I couldn't believe it. I hadn't seen Sameer and his wife in 3 months. 

"Of course I did dumbo. And yes she's downstairs unpacking." He says playfully shoving my shoulder.

"Hey! I thought you liked me more!" Zara whined. Even though she was 20 she still pouted like a toddler.

"I do but I missed him." I reply giving Zara a hug.

"Happy birthday stupid." Zara says earning a death glare from my mom. "Sorry... sairah." She laughs.

"Well sweetie I can't you're- you're- already 18." My dad begins to tear up now. 

"Baba! Please no more tears okay. I'll always be your little girl and," I sling an arm over my dad's shoulder. "Your favorite child." 

Sameer and Zara shoot me an offended glare.

"What it's true?" I say shrugging. 

"But Sairu," My dad calls me by my nickname. "Just imagine in a few more years you'll be married and your mother an I will be alone again." My dad sighs while his eyes droop.

"First off, I'm not getting married until I find someone, and trust me I haven't. Second, I'm not getting married until Zara does. But I guess at this rate I'll never get married since no one tolerates Zara." I say smirking.

"You little-" Zara chucks a pillow at me. 

"Hey! What happened to no violence on my birthday." I say pointing my finger at her mockingly.

"Okay beta just get dressed and come down. You still have school in case you forgot." My mom sighs before dragging Zara out of the room. "Oh and Uthman will call you after school."

I get all excited. It's been a while since I've spoken to my brother in Europe.

I take a shower then blow dry my hair because wet hair and a hijab don't mix well. I go to my closet then choose a fancy but manageable outfit. It was a blue striped jumpsuit that Nina had bought me last week. I pair it with a nude pink hijab. Perfect! I play my spotify playlist as I get ready.

'Because I'm 18
And I still live with my parents
Yeah they're not like yours
Well yours are more understanding
I've never fell in love
I've saved those feelings for you'

Khalid's song comes up and I can't help smiling at the coincidence. That's when I hear my phone ring.

"Hey Nin-"

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