Chapter 11

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Picture of Zayn Badri:

Picture of Zayn Badri:

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Continuation of Flashback (4 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

My heart started to race as I saw blood on Ahmed's face. No, no he couldn't have gotten hurt again. Could he?

Ya Allah please keep him safe.

"Sairah-" A voice interrupts my trance. "Sairah we have to see him!" Amina pleads looking at me wide eyed. 

I nod still in a trance. "Yea- yea of course." I snap back into reality.

We race into the field where the boy who Ahmed seemingly got in a fight with was clutching his bloody nose. Meanwhile Ahmed still laid on the floor with a bloody lip clutching his abdomen.

Zayn was leaning over Ahmed. "Son, just get back up okay?" His voice still had the same formality he had before.

How can he not feel fazed by this at all?

Ahmed nods slowly while trying to regain his balance. Zayn helps him stand up and whispers something to the referee.

"Alright we're going to call a substitution for the Kendale Jaguars until a play is made or until he's cleared" He ushers for Ahmed and us to get off the field.

We nod before following a limping Ahmed and a rather stiff Zayn. Zayn takes us all to the locker room before letting go of Ahmed.

Ahmed finally regains his posture standing straight again even though his pain is heard through his winces.

"Should we leave?" Nina whispers to Amina and I.

I contemplate, "I don't know but I want to make sure he's okay."

"And you have the audacity to say you don't care for him" Nina mutters shaking her head.

I shoot her a murderous glare. "Not now" I rest my head in my palm. 

"Well? What the HELL happened out there?" Zayn bellows scaring Amina, Nina and I. Ahmed doesn't flinch as if he's immune to this side of his dad. "Where the f*** do you get off picking fights when you know how important this sport is to your future!" He grabs Ahmed's jersey in anger then lets go.

"On second thought let's go" I whisper to Amina and Nina. This moment definitely did not involve our presence.

Amina reaches to pull open the door before we hear a slap.

Our mouths hung open in horror. Zayn had struck Ahmed across his face and Ahmed's right cheek was now fiery red. He still had the same blank stare in his eyes. 

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