Chapter 49

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Continuation of Flashback (2 years ago):

Sairah's POV:

I twisted my ring nervously. I sought solace in it every time I thought about him. Gosh, where is Ahmed? He should've been here by now. Winter break ended and Ahmed had returned to New York to finish the semester. We talked here and there but it wasn't the same as seeing his stupid smirk in person. He was coming back for spring for Omar and Zara's wedding.

 It's already been 2 hours. What if he's stuck in traffic? Or-- or he could be lost? NO! What if he got kidnapped? People in airports are very shady. Ooh, Ahmed in an airport would be so cute cause guys in airports just-- Sairah! Focus!

I decided to try his cell once more... and of course, it went straight to stupid voicemail. Dang it Ahmed! 

"Why am I always so worked up about-"

"I'm here pretty girl." I hear Ahmed's deep voice interrupt my frustration.

"Ahmed!" My heart lights up and I feel butterflies from just looking at him. He looked so handsome just standing there by my door. His hair was unkempt, and his hoodie sleeves were rolled up. OOH! I'm so taking that hoodie when we get married!

"Someone missed me." He leans against the door fram smirking.

"You're right," I sigh getting up from my bed. "I did miss you." I let a smirk play on my lips, "I missed bullying someone."

Ahmed scoffs and rolls his bottom lip in. "Sairah-- you have quite the charm." He laughs softly as he runs a hand through his light brown hair.

"So I've been told." I shrug. 

"Who else told you that?" He asks amused.

"Other people." I say vaguely.

"Like who?"

"Oh you don't know them." I turned my back on him and began to fix my bed.

"Well maybe I do." He says more interested.

"Well do you remember that guy Adam from my bio class, oh and then there was Hamza from the bowl-" I began to list them off on my fingers when I look up and see Ahmed's jaw clench.

Ahmed looks at me as his jaw ticks, "and you're telling me this now?"

"Well was I supposed to tell you before? What would that have done?" I raise a brow at him.

"Well for starters I would've punched them for even trying to flirt with you and then I would-"

"Aw! Is Ahmed Badri jealous?" I tease making a babyface. "This is how you look when you're jealous huh?" I study him. "Try again sweetie." I give him a supportive nod.

"Sairah this isn't a joke!" He exclaims visibly tense.

"Ahmed," I say softly. "Hey, it was a joke. I was pulling your leg." I explain looking him in the eyes and I see his eyes lighten.

"Really?" He smiles brightly. "So those things didn't happen?"

"Well..." I turn away from him hesitantly. "They did but I-"

"Damn it Sairah!" I hear annoyance in Ahmed's voice. 

"Hey nothing happened okay. I never even talked to them. Well teachnically I did, but you know-" I laugh softly while explaining when I spot the look of irritation in Ahmed's eyes.

"The point is," i clear my throat awkwardly, "no harm no foul." I laugh at my own joke while Ahmed's jaw remains clenched. "Listen I was just teasing you okay. I don't care about those guys okay." I try to console him.

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