Chapter 40

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Continuation of Flashback (2 years ago):

Sairah's POV: 

Unfortunately, Friday couldn't have come any faster. I was awakened by Zara shouting in my ear to get ready and "look" pretty. Don't get me wrong I loved dressing up but I was not going to dress up for some possible suitor guy when my heart yearned for Ahmed. I wanted him to come back and take all the heartache and everything back-- sure I'd make him work for it... like a LOT, but he'd still be with me.

"Sairah!" Zara whines. "Hurry up Omar's going to be here soon. He's already tired."

"Why is he tired?" I ask while yawning. 

"Because he had to-" Zara is cut off by my mom.

"Zara!" My mom looks at my sister smiling. "You look so beautiful Mashallah (By God's will)." My mom turns to me, "doesn't she look beautiful."

"Uh-huh." I say nodding my head dramatically while I get out of bed.

"You know why?" My mom puts her hands on her hips. "It's because she has that 'going to be married' glow." My mom nods as if it's a real thing.

I burst into laughter, "Mama stop. You're so fun-" I look at my mom's serious expression. "Oh you- you weren't kidding."

"Sairah stop messing around all the time." My mom shakes her head at me rolling her eyes then leaves.

"She-- she wasn't serious right?" I ask my sister raising my eyebrow.

"She was." Zara sighs. "Now go get ready. We're meeting them for lunch."

"Them?" I ask confused.

"Hello, earth to Sairah!" Zara waves her hand in front of my faced as if I was dazed. "Did you forget that another person was coming... for you."

I slap her hands down. "I don't like to remember traumatic things," I say bitterly as I head to the bathroom to shower. I stop and turn to face Zara again. "Where is he from anyways?" I sigh.

"He's from... around. Just around."

"Around? As in he's from here?" I pry further.

"No. Well to be honest Omar didn't tell me in detail, but I know he knows quite a lot about LA."

"That's great! You know having my future brother in-law decide who I'm going to see." I say sarcastically.

"Just go shower." Zara sighs exhausted.

"Fine." I go into the shower with questions swirling in my head. Who is this guy? What if he's weird? What if he's not? What if he's actually a great person? But I-- I couldn't do that to Ahmed... or my heart. I twirl the promise ring and let out a sigh. Let's get this over with!

I change into a corduroy brown dress with a white flounced sleeve undershirt paired with thigh high boots. It was still a little cold outside, so why not dress cute but cozy

Zara walks in wearing cute baggy jeans with a belt and a white ribbed shirt. "Are you ready?"

"I'd normally say, 'I was born ready', but how does one prepare to meet a total rando?" I say with a fake smile.

"Enough with the attitude."Zara shakes her head laughing. "Listen, I'm being serious by the way, if you-- and I mean at any time-- want to leave-- we will. We'll get up and walk right out. I'll also give Omar an earful for bringing a weirdo." She nudges my arm lightly.

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