Chapter 7

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Continuation of flashback(4 years ago):

Ahmed's POV: 

I saw Sairah but I didn't know what exactly to say to her. It was still to be determined if she had heard me or not. How does one start a conversation after calling a girl cute? And not just ANY girl. THE hijabi girl. MY hijabi girl. She obviously doesn't take flirting lightly.

Swallowing my fear I called her name. "Sairah!" She couldn't hear me. Then I saw her adjusting wires that seemed to be coming out of her hijab. Wait why does she have- OH headphones! 

With her hijab it was hard to see if she had headphones in or not. I tapped her on the shoulder. She jerked up then locked her eyes with mine. She pulled out her headphones. "God Ahmed I swear one of these days I'll die because of you" she had her hand over her heart as if she was trying to regulate her heartbeat.

"You got it wrong karate girl," I replied grinning from ear to ear. "It's one day I'll die for you," I noticed her raised eyebrows. "Well you know when people are in love they say they'll even die for each other." I purposely said 'love' in a goofy way which earned a death glare from her. But hey I'm immune to her irascible behavior now.

Sairah just rolled her eyes as she coiled her headphones around her phone. "That line is only used for hopeless romantics, and I" She put her hand over her chest complacently. "- am certainly not one of them." 

I noticed she had a few hairs poking out, and I debated whether or not I should tell her since some women preferred to show some hair. "Sairah you have a little-" I pointed to the sides of her face.

She sighed tucking in her baby hairs. "And this is how bad hijab days are created" she began to frown. 

I laughed at her little 'baby face'. Her big brown eyes only accentuated her pouty face. "How come you don't believe in romance?" I said switching the topic back to our previous conversation.



"Romance nowadays is so fake. Like think about it," She stopped by her locker. Taking out her 'cheetos' bag she explained, "there's a guy/girl who's in love with another person but 90% of the time it's unrequited affection. Sure both obviously care for each other but there's always that one person who wants to be just friends or something you know. It's like there's no winning. And that my friend is why the kids you see here,"she pointed to the other people around us. "That's why they're all desperate for affection. Instead of trying to reform romance, they become immune to the heartache and continue embracing their so called love which really is just the couple showing superficial PDA." She leaned against her locker. "Thus, the cycle continues." 

I thought about what she said carefully. "Yea I guess you're right..." I was hesitant because I disagreed, but I guess it's useless arguing with someone as stubborn as her.

"I know I am." She replied while munching on her Cheetos. She covered her mouth after I gave her a bemused look.

"Actually, you know what- no. I don't agree."

Sairah furrowed her brows and opened her mouth to argue.

"Shhh" I said softly. "Keep munching and just listen for once," I smiled when she shot me a dirty look. "You have a point but I'm not talking about these high school phase romances. I'm talking about epic romance. You know the one that lasts forever..." I began to scratch the back of my head sheepishly. She probably thinks I'm too soft hearted now.

"Aww, you know that's what I'm supposed to say-- about the whole 'loving forever' thing. But, hearing you say it gives a different perspective" She giggled as she noticed me blush a little. "It also makes you seem less like an egoistic brat and more of a decent human" She gasped at her last remark.

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